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Someone know how find Quest address in CE ?

Discussion on Someone know how find Quest address in CE ? within the PW Hacks, Bots, Cheats, Exploits forum part of the Perfect World category.

Old   #1
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Someone know how find Quest address in CE ?

I'm trying hard find offset of quests by cheat engine but I'm not can find ... i'm finding by ID of quest , but i never find offset static .... if someone know , pls share me ....
derleyvolt is offline  
Old 11/09/2016, 18:49   #2
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for current pwi it is:

Player Quest Log:
QuestListBase := readOffsetChain("0x1C|0x34|0x1554|0x8")
QuestID := ReadMemoryUint2(QuestListBase + 0x8 + 0x20*i, processID)
-> note read only 2 bytes

NPC Quest (once dialog is open):
NPCQuestBase := readOffsetChain("0x1C|0x18|0x8|0x74|0x24C|0x168")
NPCQuestID := ReadMemoryUint(NPCQuestBase + i*0x8 + 0x1F0, processID)
Stark77 is offline  
Old 11/10/2016, 14:44   #3
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Stark , I can reach here , look at ,

But I can not go any further , you could tell me where I must go now ??

sorry me by my bad english
derleyvolt is offline  
Old 11/10/2016, 19:06   #4
elite*gold: 0
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To me it seems your path to the "BaseCount" is not correct.
What version are u playing?
What are the offests u use, to get to this "BaseCount"
Stark77 is offline  
Old 11/10/2016, 23:37   #5
elite*gold: 0
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Stark , it offset is of a bot that I use to compare offsets em 1.5.3 ''CrazyBot'' here are the offsets

Offsets 1.5.3 (Crazy Bot)

addr = 00DB6834
addr1 = 0044B130
flag = 01B0

addr = 00DB5BBC

packet = 007C1C40
fulltarget = 007B5FE0
talktonpc = 007B6460
ButtonPress = 009EB960
IdCancel = 00D36054
AutoPath = 00457DA0

x = 004A5F80
y = 004AC480
z = 004A6590

Start = 00DBBCD0
Number = 00DBBCDC

Point_1 = 00DD6778
Point_2 = 00DD677C
Point_3 = 00DD6780
Point_4 = 00DD6784
Point_9 = 00DD6798
Point_10 = 00DD679C
Point = 00DD64E0
MaxPoint = 00DD64DC

addr = 00DB6364
online =
strenuously =
LocationID = game.addr +14 +90

;Структура перса (HostPlayer Struct)
addr = game.addr +28
Lvl = gamer.addr +4C4
WID = gamer.addr +4B8
name = gamer.addr +6F8 +0
TargetId = gamer.addr +5A4
TargetIngID = gamer.addr +E98
HP = gamer.addr +4CC
MP = gamer.addr +4D0
chi = gamer.addr +4E0
MaxHP = gamer.addr +520
MaxMP = gamer.addr +524
MaxChi = gamer.addr +5A0
Meditation = gamer.addr +784
WalkMode = gamer.addr +708
LocX = gamer.addr +3C
LocY = gamer.addr +44
LocZ = gamer.addr +40
GroundR = gamer.addr +EC4
GroundZ = gamer.addr +EC8
TargetX = gamer.addr +15A4+18C
TargetY = gamer.addr +15A4+194
TargetZ = gamer.addr +15A4+190
Cast = gamer.addr +7E4
CurSkillID = gamer.addr +7E4 +8
CurSkillCD = gamer.addr +7E4 +10
ClassID = gamer.addr +6FC
EquipFly = gamer.addr +5E0
StrengthWeapon = gamer.addr +1094 +C +0 +74
StrengthWeaponMax = gamer.addr +1094 +C +0 +78
BaffsCount = gamer.addr +398
Baffs = gamer.addr +390 +[I*12,0,[gamer.BaffsCount]]
QuestCount = gamer.addr +14F8 +8 +0
Quest = gamer.addr +14F8 +8 +[[[I*20]+8],0,gamer.QuestCount]
QuestStatus= gamer.addr +14F8 +8 +[[[I*20]+E],0,gamer.QuestCount]
Skilling = gamer.addr +B8
Mining = gamer.addr +288
TimeMining = gamer.addr +B4C
MaxTimeMining = gamer.addr +B50
Experience = gamer.addr +04D4
Spirit = gamer.addr +04D8
EquipGenie = gamer.addr +60C

;PCCharacter\Хешь ближайших игроков
count = gamer.addr +03B4 +18
addr = gamer.addr +03B4 +98 +[i*4,0,pcharacter.count]

;структура членов группы
count = gamer.addr +07C8 +18
addr = gamer.addr +07C8 +14 +[I*4,0,party.count]

WID = +C
Lvl = +10
HP = +1C
MP = +20
MaxHP = +24
MaxMP = +28
Name =
WalkMode =
LocX = +34
LocZ = +38
LocY = +3C
BaffsCount = +60
Baffs = +58 +[I*12,0,[party_offset.BaffsCount]]
QuestCount =
Quest =

;массив умений в базе buff_str
Count = base.addr +168
addr = base.addr +168

;массив умений в базе skillstr
Count = base.addr +134
addr = base.addr +128

;массив умений
packet_addr = 00493A70
Count = gamer.addr +1520
addr = gamer.addr +151C +[I*4,0,[skills.count]]

Name = +4 +0 +0
ID = +8
Lvl = +C
CollDown = +10 ;текущее время отката
MaxCollDown = +14 ;время отката
Down = +18 ;'0' - откатился '1' - еще нет

;массив умений Джина
Count = gamer.addr +1550
addr = gamer.addr +154C +[I*4,0,[genie.count]]
Lvl = gamer.addr +408 +6C
Exp = gamer.addr +408 +68
Point = gamer.addr +408 +70
DopPoint = gamer.addr +408 +C0

;структура пета
addr = gamer.addr +1508
Num = pet.addr +8
WID = pet.addr +64
HP = pet.addr +[[pet.num]*4+10] +1C
Loyale = pet.addr +[[pet.num]*4+10] +04
Hungry = pet.addr +[[pet.num]*4+10] +08
SkillID1 = pet.addr +[[pet.num]*4+10] +40
SkillID2 = pet.addr +[[pet.num]*4+10] +50
SkillID3 = pet.addr +[[pet.num]*4+10] +60
SkillID4 = pet.addr +[[pet.num]*4+10] +70
SkillID5 = pet.addr +[[pet.num]*4+10] +80
SkillID6 = pet.addr +[[pet.num]*4+10] +90
SkillID7 = pet.addr +[[pet.num]*4+10] +A0

;Структура игроков
count = game.addr +14 +1C +18
addr = game.addr +14 +1C +98 +[i*4,0,players.count]
;addr2 = game.addr +14 +1C +20 +[i*4,0,300] +4

LocX = +03C
LocZ = +040
LocY = +044
WID = +4B8
Lvl = +4C4
HP = +4CC
MP = +4D0
MaxHP = +520
MaxMP = +524
Name = +6F8 +0
WalkMode = +708
BaffsCount = +398
Baffs = +390 +[I*12,0,[player_offset.BaffsCount]]
QuestCount = +14F8 +8 +0
Quest = +14F8 +8 +[[[I*20]+8],0,19]

;структура мобов NPC
count = game.addr +14 +20 +18
addr = game.addr +14 +20 +5C +[i*4,0,mobs.count]
addr1 = game.addr +14 +20 +20 +[i*4,0,300] +4

LocX = +03C
LocZ = +040
LocY = +044
Type = +0B4
WID = +114
ID = +11C
Lvl = +120
HP = +128
MaxHP = +17C
Name = +25C +0
Distance = +280
WalkMode = +2B4
AttackFlag = +2C4
MobAction = +2CC
Baffs = +320 +[I*12,0,[mobs_offset.BaffsCount]]
BaffsCount = +328

; структура лута, ресов
count = game.addr +14 +24 +14
addr = game.addr +14 +24 +1C +[i*4,0,300] +4
packet_addr = 0049B700

LocX = +3C
LocY = +44
LocZ = +40
WID = +110
ID = +114
Type = +150
Lvl = +154
Distance = +15C
Name = +168 +0

;структура инвентаря
count = gamer.addr +1090 +14
addr = gamer.addr +1090 +C +[I*4,0,[inv.count]]

ItemType = +08
WID = +0C
Count = +14
Prise = +1C
Name = +4C +0
GlType = +58 +0
lvl = +64
white = +B4

the path is correct i think , you could show me a print of your Reclass in this part ? I just want see how is organized the your Reclass in this field , I need just of this to finished my bot
derleyvolt is offline  

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