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lolkop's autopot help

Discussion on lolkop's autopot help within the SRO Private Server forum part of the Silkroad Online category.

Old   #1
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lolkop's autopot help

Well i hate when im typing and the autopot sends keys it sends the key like 10Times how can i edit it so it only sends 1 ?

here is the source
#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1)
Dim $type[4] = ['HP', 'MP', 'Vigor', 'Pet'  ]
Dim $dif = 70, $y = 40, $run = 0, $pot_pill = 0, $e = 0, $s = 0, $z = 0
Const $epointer = 0xA9EE64, $eCharname = 0xA9DBB8, $spointer = 0xA9EE44, $sCharname = 0xA9DB98, $zpointer = 0xAA0E44, $zCharname = 0xA9FB98, $pill = 0x228, $curhp = 0x3BC, $maxhp = 0x3B4, $curmp = 0x3B0, $maxmp = 0x3B8
Const $h1 = 0x1718, $h2 = 0x8, $h3 = 0x4, $h4 = 0x10, $hcur = 0x8, $hmax = 0xC, $lvl = 0x12
Const $wolf_hp[140] = [360, 441, 524, 611, 701, 795, 892, 992, 1097, 1205, 1317, 1432, 1552, 1677, 1805, 1938, 2076, 2218, 2365, 2517, 2675, 2837, 3005, 3179, 3358, 3544, 3735, 3933, 4137, 4347, 4565, 4789, 5020, 5259, 5506, 5760, 6022, 6292, 6571, 6858, 7154, 7459, 7774, 8098, 8432, 8776, 9131, 9496, 9872, 10260, 10659, 11070, 11493, 11928, 12376, 12838, 13313, 13802, 14305, 14823, 15355, 15903, 16467, 17047, 17644, 18258, 18889, 19538, 20205, 20892, 21598, 22323, 23069, 23836, 24625, 25435, 26268, 27124, 28004, 28908, 29838, 30792, 31774, 32782, 33817, 34881, 35974, 37097, 38250, 39434, 40651, 41901, 43184, 44501, 45855, 47244, 48671, 50136, 51640, 53184, 54770, 56397, 58068, 59782, 61543, 63350, 65204, 67107, 69060, 71065, 73122, 75233, 77399, 79622, 81903, 84243, 86644, 89107, 91634, 94227, 96886, 99615, 102413, 105284, 108229, 111249, 114347, 117524, 120783, 124125, 127552, 131067, 134672, 138368, 142158, 146044, 150029, 154115, 158304, 162599]

$GUI = GUICreate('AutoPot', 335, 370)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Charname:', 10, 13)
$char_input = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 70, 10, 150)
$start_button = GUICtrlCreateButton('Start Autopot', 235, 9, 85, 23)
For $i = 0 To 3
	GUICtrlCreateGroup($type[$i], 5, $y + $i * $dif, 325, 70)
	Assign($type[$i] & '_check', GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Use ' & $type[$i] & ' Pots', 10, $y + 15 + $i * $dif))
	GUICtrlCreateLabel('Belt:', 103, $y + 19 + $i * $dif)
	Assign($type[$i] & '_belt', GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 128, $y + 15 + $i * $dif, 40, -1, 3))
	GUICtrlSetData(-1, 'none|F1|F2|F3|F4', 'F1')
	GUICtrlCreateLabel('Slot:', 180, $y + 19 + $i * $dif)
	Assign($type[$i] & '_slot', GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 205, $y + 15 + $i * $dif, 35, -1, 3))
	GUICtrlSetData(-1, '0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9', 1)
	GUICtrlCreateLabel('Delay:', 255, $y + 19 + $i * $dif)
	Assign($type[$i] & '_delay', GUICtrlCreateInput('1000', 290, $y + 15 + $i * $dif, 35, -1, 3))
	Assign($type[$i] & '_slider', GUICtrlCreateSlider(5, $y + 40 + $i * $dif, 295))
	Assign($type[$i] & '_input', GUICtrlCreateInput(0, 300, $y + 40 + $i * $dif, 25, -1, 1))
GUICtrlCreateGroup('Universal Pills', 5, 320, 325, 45)
$pill_check = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Use Abnormal State Recovery', 10, 335)
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Belt:', 180, 340)
$pill_belt = GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 205, 335, 40, -1, 3)
GUICtrlSetData(-1, 'none|F1|F2|F3|F4', 'F1')
GUICtrlCreateLabel('Slot:', 255, 340)
$pill_slot = GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 280, 335, 35, -1, 3)
GUICtrlSetData(-1, '0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9', 1)

While 1
	$msg = GUIGetMsg()
	If $msg = $char_input Then
	If $msg = -3 Then Exit
	If $msg = -4 Then Tray()
	For $i = 0 To 3
		If $msg = Eval($type[$i] & '_slider') Then GUICtrlSetData(Eval($type[$i] & '_input'), GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_slider')))
		If $msg = Eval($type[$i] & '_input') Then GUICtrlSetData(Eval($type[$i] & '_slider'), GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_input')))
	If $msg = $start_button Then
		If GUICtrlRead($start_button) = 'Start Autopot'  Then
			GUICtrlSetData($start_button, 'Stop Autopot')
			$run = True
		ElseIf GUICtrlRead($start_button) = 'Stop Autopot'  Then
			GUICtrlSetData($start_button, 'Start Autopot')
			$run = False
	If $run Then
		If $e = 1 Then
			$pointer = $epointer
		ElseIf $s = 1 Then
			$pointer = $spointer
			$pointer = $zpointer
		$mid = memopen(WinGetProcess(GetHandle(GUICtrlRead($char_input))))
		$HP_percent = memreaddynamic($mid, $pointer, $curhp) / memreaddynamic($mid, $pointer, $maxhp) * 100
		$MP_percent = memreaddynamic($mid, $pointer, $curmp) / memreaddynamic($mid, $pointer, $maxmp) * 100
		$Vigor_percent = memreaddynamic($mid, $pointer, $curhp) / memreaddynamic($mid, $pointer, $maxhp) * 100
		$1 = memread($mid, $pointer) + $h1
		$2 = memread($mid, $1) + $h2
		$3 = memread($mid, $2) + $h3
		$4 = memread($mid, $3) + $h4
		$horsecur = memreaddynamic($mid, $4, $hcur)
		$horselvl = memreaddynamic($mid, $4, $lvl, 'byte')
		If $horselvl = 0 Then
			$horsemax = memreaddynamic($mid, $4, $hmax)
		ElseIf $horselvl > 0 And $horselvl <= 140 Then
			$horsemax = $wolf_hp[$horselvl - 1]
			$horsemax = 0
		If $horsemax <> 0 Then
			$Pet_percent = $horsecur / $horsemax * 100
			$Pet_percent = 0
		$status = memreaddynamic($mid, $pointer, $pill, "byte")
		For $i = 0 To 5
			If BitAND($status, 2 ^ $i) Then $pot_pill = 1
		If GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[0] & '_check')) = 1 And Eval($type[0] & '_percent') <= GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[0] & '_input')) And Eval($type[0] & '_percent') <> 0 And BitAND($status, 2 ^ 5) <> 1 Then
			Pot(GUICtrlRead($char_input), GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[0] & '_belt')), GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[0] & '_slot')), GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[0] & '_delay')))
		For $i = 0 To 3
			If GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_check')) = 1 And Eval($type[$i] & '_percent') <= GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_input')) And Eval($type[$i] & '_percent') <> 0 Then
				If $i = 0 Or $i = 2 Then
					If Not BitAND($status, 2 ^ 5) Then Pot(GUICtrlRead($char_input), GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_belt')), GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_slot')), GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_delay')))
					Pot(GUICtrlRead($char_input), GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_belt')), GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_slot')), GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_delay')))
		If GUICtrlRead($pill_check) = 1 And $pot_pill Then
			Pot(GUICtrlRead($char_input), GUICtrlRead($pill_belt), GUICtrlRead($pill_slot), 1000)
		$pot_pill = 0
	Switch TrayGetMsg()
		Case - 13

Func Tray()
	If BitAND(WinGetState($GUI), 2) Then
		WinSetState($GUI, "", @SW_HIDE)
		WinSetState($GUI, "", @SW_SHOW)
EndFunc   ;==>Tray

Func SendSro($handle, $key)
	Switch $key
		Case "F1" 
			$k = 0x70
		Case "F2" 
			$k = 0x71
		Case "F3" 
			$k = 0x72
		Case "F4" 
			$k = 0x73
		Case Else
			$k = 0x30 + $key
	For $i = 1 To 5
		DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "PostMessageA", "hwnd", $handle, "int", 0x100, "int", $k, "int", 0)
		DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "PostMessageA", "hwnd", $handle, "int", 0x101, "int", $k, "int", 0)
EndFunc   ;==>SendSro

Func GetHandle($char)
	Local $list = WinList("[CLASS:CLIENT]")
	For $i = 1 To $list[0][0]
		Local $mid = memopen(WinGetProcess($list[$i][1]))
		Local $name = memread($mid, $eCharname, 'char[12]')
		If $name = $char Then
			Global $e = 1
			Global $s = 0
			Global $z = 0
			Return $list[$i][1]
		Local $name = memread($mid, $sCharname, 'char[12]')
		If $name = $char Then
			Global $s = 1
			Global $e = 0
			Global $z = 0
			Return $list[$i][1]
		Local $name = memread($mid, $zCharname, 'char[12]')
		If $name = $char Then
			Global $s = 0
			Global $e = 0
			Global $z = 1
			Return $list[$i][1]
EndFunc   ;==>GetHandle

Func ini($action = 'write')
	If $action = 'write'  Then
		For $i = 0 To 3
			IniWrite('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), $type[$i] & '_check', GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_check')))
			IniWrite('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), $type[$i] & '_belt', GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_belt')))
			IniWrite('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), $type[$i] & '_slot', GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_slot')))
			IniWrite('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), $type[$i] & '_input', GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_input')))
			IniWrite('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), $type[$i] & '_slider', GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_slider')))
		IniWrite('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), 'pill_check', GUICtrlRead($pill_check))
		IniWrite('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), 'pill_belt', GUICtrlRead($pill_belt))
		IniWrite('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), 'pill_slot', GUICtrlRead($pill_slot))
		For $i = 0 To 3
			GUICtrlSetState(Eval($type[$i] & '_check'), IniRead('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), $type[$i] & '_check', GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_check'))))
			GUICtrlSetData(Eval($type[$i] & '_belt'), IniRead('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), $type[$i] & '_belt', GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_belt'))))
			GUICtrlSetData(Eval($type[$i] & '_slot'), IniRead('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), $type[$i] & '_slot', GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_slot'))))
			GUICtrlSetData(Eval($type[$i] & '_input'), IniRead('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), $type[$i] & '_input', GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_input'))))
			GUICtrlSetData(Eval($type[$i] & '_slider'), IniRead('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), $type[$i] & '_slider', GUICtrlRead(Eval($type[$i] & '_slider'))))
		GUICtrlSetState($pill_check, IniRead('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), 'pill_check', GUICtrlRead($pill_check)))
		GUICtrlSetData($pill_belt, IniRead('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), 'pill_belt', GUICtrlRead($pill_belt)))
		GUICtrlSetData($pill_slot, IniRead('pot_config.ini', GUICtrlRead($char_input), 'pill_slot', GUICtrlRead($pill_slot)))
EndFunc   ;==>ini

Func Pot($name, $bar, $slot, $delay = 1000)
	If Not IsDeclared($name & "pot" & $slot) Then
		If $bar <> 'none'  Then SendSro(GetHandle($name), $bar)
		SendSro(GetHandle($name), $slot)
		Assign($name & "pot" & $slot, TimerInit(), 2)
	ElseIf TimerDiff(Eval($name & "pot" & $slot)) > $delay Then
		If $bar <> 'none'  Then SendSro(GetHandle($name), $bar)
		SendSro(GetHandle($name), $slot)
		Assign($name & "pot" & $slot, TimerInit(), 2)
EndFunc   ;==>Pot

Func memopen($pid)
	Local $mid = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', 0x1F0FFF, 'int', 1, 'int', $pid)
	Return $mid[0]
EndFunc   ;==>memopen

Func memread($mid, $adress, $type = 'dword')
	Local $struct = DllStructCreate($type)
	DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $mid, 'int', $adress, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($struct), 'int', DllStructGetSize($struct), 'int', '')
	Return DllStructGetData($struct, 1)
EndFunc   ;==>memread

Func memreaddynamic($mid, $pointer, $offset, $type = "dword")
	$newadress = memread($mid, $pointer) + $offset
	Return memread($mid, $newadress, $type)
EndFunc   ;==>memreaddynamic

Func memclose($mid)
	DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $mid)
EndFunc   ;==>memclose
im not so good in Autoit...

so could anyone help me ? to try to only send 1 key and not 10
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Old 11/06/2010, 20:42   #2
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Func Pot($name, $bar, $slot, $delay = 1000)

change delay=1000 value to your value

hope i helped
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Old 11/06/2010, 20:53   #3
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mmmm i dunno i don't agree with you as i know this delay means the time between when HP gets detected low and the autopot get worked
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Old 11/06/2010, 21:13   #4
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Originally Posted by thieef View Post
mmmm i dunno i don't agree with you as i know this delay means the time between when HP gets detected low and the autopot get worked

Originally Posted by LastThief View Post
Func Pot($name, $bar, $slot, $delay = 1000)

change delay=1000 value to your value

hope i helped
i tried that before posting and didn't help, and sometimes when i change another thing

Func Pot($name, $bar, $slot, $delay = 1000)
	If Not IsDeclared($name & "pot" & $slot) Then
		If $bar <> 'none'  Then SendSro(GetHandle($name), $bar)
		SendSro(GetHandle($name), $slot)
		Assign($name & "pot" & $slot, TimerInit(), [COLOR="Lime"]2[/COLOR])
	ElseIf TimerDiff(Eval($name & "pot" & $slot)) > $delay Then
		If $bar <> 'none'  Then SendSro(GetHandle($name), $bar)
		SendSro(GetHandle($name), $slot)
		Assign($name & "pot" & $slot, TimerInit(), [COLOR="Lime"]2[/COLOR])
those 2 in green if i change that for lower or higher number it goes fast. so it doesn't press 10times the key it press it like infinity.....
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