Aeronīs Multiplayer-Server 05/09/2010 - WoW Private Server - 1 Replies Hi liebe Community,
Wir das Aeron Gamingportal möchten euch herzlich einladen bei uns zu Spielen!
Natürlich machen wir euch das Angebot schön schmackhaft, denn wo bliebe sonst die Begeisterung?
1. Zum Projekt
2. Angebote
3. Ressourcen
Leet-gaming , Gaming website with Gaming servers currently in development 08/20/2009 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies Hey.
Currently Leet-gaming is a gaming type forum with gaming chat and loads more.
But behind the scenes , The forum team are working on many private servers to help make us more popular:
Servers Currently in Development
Gunz - The Duel
Aion private server
[request] how to make any portal item to Crag Mine Field Portal 06/17/2008 - RF Online - 2 Replies can any one make any portal item like, Armory 213 portal item, accretia HQ portal item to ->> crag mine field portal item.. it hard to go back to crag mine field when i got Disconnected from server..