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Seal Online Up-to_date Server DB files please?

Discussion on Seal Online Up-to_date Server DB files please? within the Private Server Advertising forum part of the Private Server category.

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Question Seal Online Up-to_date Server DB files please?

Sorry for this guys, I am new, but I am desperate for awnsers, I searched up and down for the following information, and its hard to find!!!

Guys I am in need of really bad help, there are a few things that I need help with or bother me...

1: I Host a private home server for my own pleasure, which semi works...

2: I am getting tired of having to set things like mobs files, and skill files, the xml work is teadious, especially since its not in English...

3: I need to know how to make warps work, and how to identifying them without trail and error, as that is time consuming, and I don't have time for guesing games...

4: If no data base, is there at least someone who knows how to setup WARPs, I want to set them up? I know how to imput the info in the maps section in my test database file, and make the mob xml files, its tieing the 2 together I have trouble with, I do not understand how the warp NPC numbers relate to the numbers in the maps database list. How do they correlate? is there a special formula I have to use? Or do I have to just keep guessing and making 516, 517, 518, over and over untill I find the right warp? If this is the case, its more work than needed for me.

5: Does anyone have Database files that are more current? and I don't mean the sql ones, I mean the xml ones you find in the mobs, skills, maps folders. I am not sure, but I think alot of my data is out of date or missing. The Server acts like Seal Plus, but I am using Seal China Client version, which I have half hacked into English, except NPC Chat, and Monster/Warp names. China Version Acts like Seal online Reload before Plus came out, and is missing Monster data or something.

6: About the Mobs and Monsters, I am not sure how this works or how to set it up, or if anyone has a server fix for this, but Monsters or Bales can go through walls and rivers unlike normal Seal, why is this? Is there boundry info I am missing from my server files? Also they are not being agressive, I have to attack first, and when I run from them, they skip towards me like they are warping to me instead of walking to me on some Mobs. Also on some maps, they just stand there and not move, I feel like I am missing alot of files!!! Please help me here... I tried to find Monster codes online, so I could find the Mob codes or ID for a particular monster, when I used that code/ID it did not work, In game, the monster is missing, but when I use a different Mob number its fine and you can see the monster in Game fine. For Example, I used the Monster ID/Code 2639 for the Dark Wizard Monster, it shows up fine in Game, but then I try to use the code or ID 2792 for the Dark Warrior, it does not show up in Game? Its like I am missing info, so please can someone help me out with this too?

7: The Skills are acting wrong, some freeze up your character making it impossible to move, I have to crash Seal Online just to get my character un frozen. Also AOE Skills are not working properly as well, they don't collect the EXP from the monsters like ST attack skills do.

8. Does anyone at least have an updated Seal Server with a English Client? If not English, at least have an updated Seal Server?? What am I doing wrong to have these bugs and issues I am having? And how can I fix alot of them?

Anyways thats my bag of tricks that needs help with in the wonderfull world of Seal Online (Offline)... Thanks ahead of time for awnsers...
thegoldenace is offline  

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