Hello Users, We have finally brought back our GunZ Server and home you rejoin us!
The account has been deleted, so you got to remake them. This server has good exp rates and bounty rates.
We have a clan server comming soon for you users to go clan waring.. We "are" going to have custom weapons made by us.
Even though some may be took from sites. So yeah, join us pl0xage. Are Server is very funn!
We have a regular non edited Client and barely edited server. BUT! we are going to edit our client alot in the feature so dont worry about that, this is just beta. Also we are currently NON hamachi, unlike before.
Join us today!
Clan Warring = comming soon
Clans working = 100%
Questing = some stuff doesnt work, but it works.
Hardly any custom stuff, all basic's atm. BUT! we are going to add stuff so no worrys.
================================================== ========
Exp Rates: Get Exp: 30x | Need Exp: 20x | Bounty Rate: 10x
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download links:
2. comming soon
3. Comming soon

HeroXGunz Register:

Join us today!
Hello Users, We have finally brought back our GunZ Server and home you rejoin us!
The account has been deleted, so you got to remake them. This server has good exp rates and bounty rates.
We have a clan server comming soon for you users to go clan waring.. We "are" going to have custom weapons made by us.
Even though some may be took from sites. So yeah, join us pl0xage. Are Server is very funn!
We have a regular non edited Client and barely edited server. BUT! we are going to edit our client alot in the feature so dont worry about that, this is just beta. Also we are currently NON hamachi, unlike before.
Join us today!
Clan Warring = comming soon
Clans working = 100%
Questing = some stuff doesnt work, but it works.
Hardly any custom stuff, all basic's atm. BUT! we are going to add stuff so no worrys.
================================================== ========
Exp Rates: Get Exp: 30x | Need Exp: 20x | Bounty Rate: 10x
================================================== ========
download links:

2. comming soon
3. Comming soon

HeroXGunz Register:

Join us today!