Welcome to StonerStory
? Details ?
StonerStory was created one week ago, and released today. We have finished customizing all the npc and player commands. We run on Hamachi
but don't let that stop you!
Server Name: StonerStory
Rates: 1000xExp
Version 62.
? Hamachi ?
Our Hamachi server are:
stonerstory1-10 and the passes: 123456 for all. And make sure you spell stonerstory with no CAPS.
If you need to download Hamachi heres the link:
? Site ?
Once you've connected to our Hamachi network, the site is, then from there just register and download and Enjoy the server
? Features ?
Custom Maps (Coke town, Pink been town,Tokyo,Kanpung village, Window XP MAP And More!)
Custom Equips (Custom Mounts,Timeless Equips, New Masks from kms and jms, New capes, and new stars, and much! MORE
Working forums and active.
Supah Dupah shop.
World tour warper.
Huge lists of player commands (see below).
Slime System.
Multi Flash Jump.
Guild alliance working.
Lvl ranged mobs in every FM rooms.
AP reseter.
Skill Maxer.
Buff NPC.
Gender Changer.
Starter Packet + Job.
Clan NPC.
Fame Seller.
Look changer.
Quiz NPC.
NX shop.
Also the server is 24/7.
Project X.
Guild PQ.
Custom KPQ.
Boss PQ + Point System.
Jump Quest (for now only 1).
Friendly Community.
Support 24/7.
All Pq's working.
? Player Commands ?
@fmnpc / @multinpc - Opens the all-in-1 NPC.
@str/dex/luk/int - Adding AP stats.
@willmsstaff - Shows the staff.
@dispose - Use it when you can't click a NPC.
@togglesmega - Turns smega off/on.
@rebirth / @reborn - Rebirth @ level 200 or higher.
@gm <Message> - Sends a message to all the GM's.
@checkstats - Shows stats like rebirh.
@go <mapname> - Same effect as Spinel.
@reveive - Revives anyone on the channel besides yourself.
@noob - Change ur look with this. Hair/skin/face.
@rank - Shows the top 10 in ranking.
@cody - Job changer/rebirth.
@fakerelog - Fake relog.
@buff - Opens buff NPC.
@emo - kills yourself.
@slime - Slime system.
And more to come.
? Details ?
StonerStory was created one week ago, and released today. We have finished customizing all the npc and player commands. We run on Hamachi

Server Name: StonerStory
Rates: 1000xExp
Version 62.
? Hamachi ?
Our Hamachi server are:
stonerstory1-10 and the passes: 123456 for all. And make sure you spell stonerstory with no CAPS.
If you need to download Hamachi heres the link:

? Site ?
Once you've connected to our Hamachi network, the site is, then from there just register and download and Enjoy the server

? Features ?
Custom Maps (Coke town, Pink been town,Tokyo,Kanpung village, Window XP MAP And More!)
Custom Equips (Custom Mounts,Timeless Equips, New Masks from kms and jms, New capes, and new stars, and much! MORE
Working forums and active.
Supah Dupah shop.
World tour warper.
Huge lists of player commands (see below).
Slime System.
Multi Flash Jump.
Guild alliance working.
Lvl ranged mobs in every FM rooms.
AP reseter.
Skill Maxer.
Buff NPC.
Gender Changer.
Starter Packet + Job.
Clan NPC.
Fame Seller.
Look changer.
Quiz NPC.
NX shop.
Also the server is 24/7.
Project X.
Guild PQ.
Custom KPQ.
Boss PQ + Point System.
Jump Quest (for now only 1).
Friendly Community.
Support 24/7.
All Pq's working.
? Player Commands ?
@fmnpc / @multinpc - Opens the all-in-1 NPC.
@str/dex/luk/int - Adding AP stats.
@willmsstaff - Shows the staff.
@dispose - Use it when you can't click a NPC.
@togglesmega - Turns smega off/on.
@rebirth / @reborn - Rebirth @ level 200 or higher.
@gm <Message> - Sends a message to all the GM's.
@checkstats - Shows stats like rebirh.
@go <mapname> - Same effect as Spinel.
@reveive - Revives anyone on the channel besides yourself.
@noob - Change ur look with this. Hair/skin/face.
@rank - Shows the top 10 in ranking.
@cody - Job changer/rebirth.
@fakerelog - Fake relog.
@buff - Opens buff NPC.
@emo - kills yourself.
@slime - Slime system.
And more to come.
Pink Bean!