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Roxside 73 / Myko type / Opening: 21 June 2009 / Difficult Server/Advanced Anti-Cheat

Discussion on Roxside 73 / Myko type / Opening: 21 June 2009 / Difficult Server/Advanced Anti-Cheat within the Private Server Advertising forum part of the Private Server category.

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Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1
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Roxside 73 / Myko type / Opening: 21 June 2009 / Difficult Server/Advanced Anti-Cheat

Sunday 21 June 2009 Day 73 RoxSide Server Time: 18.00 (Turkey Time) will start. Our goal is to start everyone on the same day and same time.

Since 10 September 2008 together with you. 72 server with 25 first time RoxSide until February 2009 we have served. Then you turn 25 in February 2009 RoxSide Server 83 is closed until today we are. Our server is a server with 73 hard RoxSide now my love to my friends honest, we've decided to open a server edits. To provide better service to our users and RoxSide 83 to 73 network RoxSide decided to host our server 2.

RoxSide 73 want to play with friends below to download the patch is required. If you take a backup of your client RoxSide Please have played 83.

Sitemiz : RoxSide Click on the picture and you can enter RoxSide 73. If you want you can log in at . (Sunday June 21 2009 hours 18:00 hours with the Turkey Online Will)

Forum :

Ticket System :

Server Information:

* Myko Original Database
* Limit Level 73
* Need to do to master tasks.
* 62 need to do tasks for the paper.
* Experienced GM's.
* Atross from 50 NP, 25 Np Come to the Riot.
* Item Compression ratio max. +9 Stop. Jewelry Compression ratio is +2.
* Exp Deposit is required to. 4 days - 10 days 5 hours 70 people who may be muscle. 73 to 10 or 15 days muscle.
* Surprise Events.
* War is the trouble.
* Kingdom System.
* Colony Zone Entrance is 55 LVL.
* You can party with Exp muscles.
* Drop rate of the upgrade rate drop everything original.
* And the EMC or the EXP Luferson Questi Maradon vardır. They are 1 times.* Advanced anti-cheat system myko, pwkoxp, TBL, merchant hack .. etc is a lot of tricks disabled access.
* Exe is not broke, do not edit
* Dupe, and may occur in the open floor because Myko copy item is completely disabled. The new control system from the inside out of the game is constantly scanning system never makes illegal can not be found.
* 1 times in the game have the right to take trade. To be able to trade at will have to relog again.
* Select Character is closed.
* Advanced registration system is available when where what who how much exp muscles item has been pressing the game who all trade at up shopping item is kept under continuous recording.
* Exp 100% roll droplar tasks.
* Merchant Hack is disabled.
* The NPC then cut your own race today is disabled.
* Announcements in English and Turkish both are discarded. Discrimination is not made.
* There are also English Category About Forum.

Item Upgrade Rates :
+1 %100
+2 %100
+3 %100
+4 %100
+5 %100
+6 %30
+7 %20
+8 %10
+9 %1
+10 %0

Jewelry Upgrade Rates :
+1 %100
+2 %25
+3 %0
+4 %0
+5 %0

EXP of Deposit, the item of interest, effort will have to give relish. In this way we have come since September 2008, we are continuing to grow thanks to the. In short, you will taste satiety. Is open and stay open to 9 months is RoxSide will continue.

For questions: can add MSN addresses.

Sunday 21 June 2009 Time of Day Server Turkey will be opened by 18:00.

We expect everyone ..
Ciko Sen is offline  
Old 06/21/2009, 17:38   #2
elite*gold: 0
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no link back.

trane. is offline  
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