Now, newly updated. Logintool unneccessary.
To download client:
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Patch 1:
Patch 2:
Once you've downloaded you'll know what to do. Just copy & paste from folder to folder.
Register link (MYSQL Error atm, will get updated soon):
Lvl 1->12 One Blaverus
Lvl 1->29 One Lv5 Akris
1,000-1,500 dil from one blaverus
More Exp Per Party-Member-Count
Weapon Prices:
0-1 = 200k
1-2 = 400k
2-3 = 1mil
3-4 = 2mil
4-5 = 4mil
5-6 = 10mil
6-7 = 20mil
7-8 = 30mil
8-9 = 40mil
Armor Prices:
0-1 = 200k
1-2 = 320k
2-3 = 800k
3-4 = 1.6mil
4-5 = 3.2mil
5-6 = 8mil
6-7 = 16mil
7-8 = 24mil
8-9 = 32mil
0-1 = 100%
1-2 = 99%
2-3 = 99%
3-4 = 99%
4-5 = 99%
5-6 = 99%
6-7 = 95%
7-8 = 95%
8-9 = 95%
Max Reborns [for now]: 5
DeadFront WORKS! Buy Undo Entrance Ticket... looks sort of like a blue eye. Deadfront is for lvl 131+.
Custom Shop Items
Argates - first 3 potions in loa/braiken = copper/silver/gold argates
Wings - First 6 helmets from blacksmith are the wings
Lvl 130 gear - Lowest lvl equips in npc are lvl 130 gear
Server Host Info
8 Gigs Ram
Quad Core
1GBPS Line
How to reborn: Fully log out when you are level 170. When you log back in, you should be lvl 1 with 0 exp. Your gear and skills will not work or take effect until you are the correct lvl requirement.
To get to 130 map, either circle around Manuel in North Morte, or teleport from parca. To get to 131+ map [SPACE] Teleport from loa or braiken.
If you feel you have found a hacker, or you have been harassed, post it in the "Report Abuse" forum. If you are having technical difficulties or problems with our server, post it in "Support" forum.
Donation Info:
Vote Link [Please vote once every 12 hours]: - Gaming top 100 list
Good luck in joining the server. If you get any errors, remember to post them in the Community's forum, not here, since it will not get as attended.