Dann Spielt auf diesem Loong Privat Server:

Glaubt mir das Game ist der Oberhammer!
Es ist kein Nerviger Japanischer Server wo keine Sau was versteht, nein er ist Englisch!

Hier ein Paar Daten zum Game :
Loong: The Power of the Dragon, is an MMO fantasy game set in ancient China, a land created by the mighty *** Pangu. Discover the mysteries surrounding the nine cities in your search for the legendary Dragons – forces of good which once ruled and shaped the earth. In the deepest of dungeons you may find the remnants of these powerful spirits and with them achieve unparalleled strength and power.
• Free-to-play massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG)
• Dazzlingly detailed 3D graphics
• Challenging combat thanks to complex AI
• Cute pets that transform into marvellous mounts
• Weapons in a set change in appearance when the entire set has been acquired
• Enchanted kung fu combat with spectacular leaps and air runs
• No restrictions on character classes: players can learn or switch skills using potions
• PvP battles and guild warfare
Hier ein paar Bilder:

Dieses Game Rockt!!!