- $10 USD | Eye of The Storm (EOTS) Legendary run for 18 - 35 Legendary drops
- $10 USD | Power level your new character from Lv 1 to Lv 30 & WT15 (I'll also help you skip the campaign)
- $10 USD | Gun Mod - Modify the damage dealt per shot. 1 shot kill, any damage. You pick a gun from your inventory or stash. You can also share the gun with other characters by utilizing the stash. The gun is permanent as long as you don't upgrade its level or change the variants (it'll reset the damage back to default). You may mod or raise the attributes.
- $10 USD | Armor Mod - Tired of dying when farming for gear? Armor 1000M+
- 10 USD | Unlock all 78 skills under the skill tree (you only get 20 skill points but I can unlock it all).
- $15 USD | Weapon or Gear with 15 attributes! I'll edit your gear pass the server cap! For example, the game only allows Cooldown Reduction to be capped at 7.49% but I can push it over the limit to 12.9%! Look at the screenshot below. Buy in bulk for a discount.
•Anomaly Power
•Status Power
•Cooldown Reduction
•Armor Pierce
•Resistance Pierce
•Bonus Firepower
•Crit Damage
•Close Range Damage
•Long Range Damage
•Weapon Life Leech
•Skills Life Leech
•Max Health
•Max Health %
•Healing Received
•Multicast Bonus
- $15 USD | Max PAX skills to 20 (normally, you can only obtain a total of 5 PAX points)
- $15 USD | Max 200 Ascension points.
- $15 USD | Unlock Apocalypse Tier 40
**Works for all consoles (Xbox, PlayStation) and PC**
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[Selling] Cheap Outriders Power leveling ⭐ Outriders boosting service ⭐ PC/PS/XBOX ⭐ 100% SAFE 05/08/2021 - Outriders Trading - 0 Replies Welcome to the Outriders Power leveling service. Custom Level boost & price tailored based on your current progression. Scroll below for bundled gearing packages in addition to custom orders and boosting per hour for farming loot specific areas & more. Contact us on live chat for any additional questions or getting help setting up your order, we cover 24/7 support !
Here you can buy Outriders Power Leveling, a service which 100% guarantees your Outriders character will get to the level you...