Wie hole ich die item_proto? 02/08/2010 - Metin2 Private Server - 5 Replies Hi Com...
Kann mir einer sagen wie ich meine item_proto zur einer item_proto.sql datei mache´?
swsro- difference between rabbit and spotted rabbit 07/21/2009 - SRO Private Server - 9 Replies hey guys.
does anyone know what the difference is between a rabbit and a spotted rabbit?
the pricing for a spotted onie is 180silks, and a normal rabbit is only 55 silks.
they are both running 4 weeks.
so what is the difference between them?
Minerva is an Xs hole ^^ 11/29/2008 - Dekaron - 7 Replies today while i am running my way to 90dung. on the last stair, i saw a fool* was Hacking in Public using speed Hack... Not only that, YOU ATTACKED me :(
and u was Screen shot by someone.
Because of u this type of FOOL* new patch is alway updated....
let me scold u here... fool :p ^^
im happy now kekeke
Map hole 08/19/2005 - General Gaming Discussion - 3 Replies wurde von einem anonymen Exploiter eingesendet: