Hey there, I sell UFA's and FA's for $5 USD PayPal each.
Since I have bad rep, if your rep is high af (50+ with no negative reviews), I'll go first.
Bulk Rates
5 UFA's OR FA's for $20 USD
10 UFA's OR FA's for $30 USD
What are UFA's and FA's?
FA - Full Access | Can change Pass \ Skin \ Username \ Full Email Access | All of my FA's are former UFA's that I have migrated to my own personal email created to just hold the account. You will gain access to this email and don't have to worry about it being a random Russian user's email hooked to your new MC account.
UFA - Unmigrated Full Access | Can change Email \ Pass \ Skin \ Username | These are usually lifetime accounts from my experience, I have over 15 UFA's that I've used as my personal mains across multiple MC servers and none of them have ever stopped working. You migrate these to your own personal email via Mojang's migration tools
Discord: NotInTheBand#4555