[Buying] Buying Tera Online EU Account, Payment via PayPal. 01/20/2019 - Trading - 5 Replies Hi,
I'm looking for a Tera EU account. Level and item doesn't matter, since I will be making my own character and play with it. Usually looking for people who quitted game and wants to sell their account.
Price: 20€ (already bought two accounts)
Contact me via Skype: aristona37
My PayPal is verified.
Buying G1 Credit 2400 ASAP [PAYPAL] 02/23/2012 - WarRock Trading - 1 Replies as tittle says i need it asap will pay via Paypal !
Still need this.
Buying IA Kinah (elyos-Greed) asap 11/23/2011 - Aion Trading - 5 Replies Post below price per mill and your msn.
Still looking to buy around 20-30m Kinah for infinite Aion on Greed-ELyos.
ASAP Buying r5 1h swords (upped)(NaGA) 07/21/2011 - Rappelz Trading - 0 Replies hey guys, i'vebeen looking for a r5 1h swords +10 or higher for naga, has to be voracious or any ATtack speed or commanding swords.
post down below or pm me or add me on skype : Reich Miko
I need it ASAP
thanks for your time