[Trading] P15 Dragon for p15 archer 10/16/2023 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies Tausche mein Dragon schami 5/5 gegen ein p15 Archer 5/5
Der schami ist p15
Pet: 1500
Sash: p600
Passive 5/5
Account ist Clean
Trade mit delikanli26
Bilder auf anfrage
Celestial-World 2.0 Sell Dagger P15 & EQ / Buy P15 Archer 11/03/2022 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies Selling my Dagger P15 & EQ
Dagger Stats : https://imgur.com/a/kNGJTy2
I highly prefer Lagerscheine but also take Paypal
You can also buy invidual things i dont sell it only as a package
Send me ur offers at Discord
Runen Amu : https://imgur.com/UXujGhF
[Buying] Suche p15 Ferni/ Looking for Archer p15 on CW 2.0 05/20/2022 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies Suche nach einem p15 ferni auf Celestial World sollte folgende dinge haben:
Pet 1k
Mount 80+
gutes schulterband
Passives+ Macht(fehlende passive von den unten) :
White Sowilo Increases the damage based on the distance to the target.
White Sowilo Max. Skill Chain Range +5m
[Selling] CELESTIAL WORLD 2.0 / P15 MASU - P15 ARCHER 03/25/2022 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies P15 MASU
Mount: 100
Paragon Level: 15
Pet Level: 1005
Green Jera > +1 combo points
Green Uruz > 10 additional monsters