[Trading] TRADE ORIGINS 2 FULL ENDGAME FOR AELDRA FULL ENDGAME 09/10/2019 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies Trade for Aeldra.
55kkk In Yang.
Warrior 105 full pvm bio with items, Alchemy, Perma costumes, 25% Sash, Full IS, Perfect pet pvm 2.3 moobs 2.3 str with berserk, alot drops etc...
Warrior 105 Mental Full PvP Bio with items, Full Alchemy, Perma weapon costumes 1Hand and 2Hand, Full 1v1 Equips +9, 2 Sash's 25%, 1 hand wep and 2 hand +9, Pet full pvp 120 3 slots etc...