[Celestial World] WTS: Archer (Lagers)
- PXXV(25)
- Pet 1025, slot open
- Mount 148 soon 149
- Prop 10, premium, crafting, 31 storage tabs.
- Sash from PLvl 500 +7
- 6/6 archer 6/6 dagger (Same character)
- Exitus Shop 7 Stats 910/680/5/5 and still on
Finding(WTB): Mento warrior PXX-XXV
- 6/6
- pet 1000-1500
- mount 100+
- Shop 7 800+ stats.
- Premium, Prop 10, Legend would be good 🙂
- Pet talisman slot open
Possible trade for same Mento with pet 100+ and Pet 1000-1500
Middleman Delikanli - you are paying fees of course. Any Question PM.
DC: Gilo#0019