|»|Current price: 440€|«|
Payment method:
PayPal or
ingame for Lagerscheine
Contact: Discord (Uncunches/Manu#3016)
The price is final.
If you need more information/have any questions, feel free to message me too!
55x Paragon-Medal = 7.645.000 L
5x Holy Grail = 580.000L
13x Celestial Recipe = 17.550.000 L
2x Fanny Pack = 500.000 L
2x Cosmic Matter + 4.000 L
180x Heavens's Jewel = 44 000 L
Total value in soulbound:26.323.000 Lagerscheine
Positive rating and recommending me to your friends is always much appreciated!
• I only use the discord mentioned in this thread.
• I do speak German.
• I do NOT have Discord Nitro.
• You should ALWAYS ask to trade through EPVP. I will never refuse this. Make sure the request is coming from the correct username, and that it's accepted before you start the trade!