and if you have any questions/suggestions or if you need help
post it in this thread and I or any global admin's of UndeadStory will help you as soon as possible.
This is just a brand new server and we are looking forward to much more advancements and progress.
We are still looking for and recruiting good gms, coders, gfx artists and etc.
There are many servers availble to play on but ours has our own special technique which is unique
that will allow with our members to have fun and we
provide online 24 hours a day of support each day and 7 days a week.
Our Exp rate is 1000x, Meso rate is 600x, and Drop rate is 4x
The current feature list is:
- Spinel warps to towns and monster maps
- Cody changes jobs including pirate
- Mr Oh changes background music
- O-Pongo sells buffs
- Shanks is in the FM, does all of the above.
- Gachapon Works
- Adobis manages Zakum squads
- Coco Sells Fame
Custume stuff:
- Servermessage, Event Message, Server name in
- Drop Cards/Exp Cards work normally
- Working Cash Shop
- Skill Macros Work
- All skills work
- Arrows drop normally
- GMS Drops and GMS Shops
- Reborns work at 200+
- Multipets
- Player Shops
- Ring Effects
- Monster Skills
- Monster Effects
- Gm skills don't get maxed
- Forced Map Returns added with offline exp fixer
- Login Port in
- Beginners start with 100 buddy slots
- Guilds and BBS, old stuff
- Teleport rocks work, Smegas work
- MultiLeveling
- Everything with pets work
- Chairs Work
- Summons, Commands, Morphs, Salons Work, GM Map has hair/eye changer
- Guild Prices are GMS like
- Prices are GMS like
- FM rooms are full of bosses that people acutally use.
- Old Drop System
- Auto Warp Out after PQ
- Showa and Orbis Exchange quests
- Trade Button Warps to FM
- 2x Exp card working
- Full wedding if npcs are made.
- Mount exp/leveling/fatigue
- Dash Working
- Seller in FM
- Karma System
- Parties working
- Drop Rate is not super high
- MTS Added
- VIP Teleport Rock
We welcome you to come join us and have a awesome time!