[Suggestion] MapleStory Private Server Section 01/17/2010 - Suggestions & Feedback - 0 Replies MapleStory Section need really a MapleStpry Private Server Section because there posting so many peoples servers.
So its now your time to choose!
[AD] UndeadStory V62 24/7 Maplestory Private Server 07/22/2009 - MapleStory - 2 Replies Welcome to UndeadStory, I hope that you will enjoy our server while you are playing on it
and if you have any questions/suggestions or if you need help
post it in this thread and I or any global admin's of UndeadStory will help you as soon as possible.
This is just a brand new server and we are looking forward to much more advancements and progress.
We are still looking for and recruiting good gms, coders, gfx artists and etc.
There are many servers availble to play on but ours has...
CyberMS Private working maplestory server 04/15/2008 - MapleStory - 6 Replies http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/9439/cybermssig mk3.jpg
Cyber MS,
working server,
up today at 1PM GMT + 8:00 about 1 hour and 30mins more,
server rates: