x4000 Exp
x5000 Meso
x15 Drops
Website: *edited*
@fmnpc command
Mr. Oh is All-In-One seller
Cody is Job Advancer
Gachapon in FM is Sugar Exchanger
Rock,Paper,Scissor in FM is PQ for Trophy
Tony-Event Guy in FM is Reward Exchanger
Claw Machine in FM is Liquid Coca Cola Box rewarder
Wisp is Sugar Drop Monster Map Warper
Karcasa is Special Monster PQ warper!
and MOREEE!!!!!!!
Custom Events
Custom Commands
Custom PQ
Custom Items!
Custom Sera
Henesys PQ, KerningPQ, LudiMaze PQ, LudiPQ, ZakumPQ, Guild PQ working
Field of Judgement every 15 minutes
Odin Base PvP
Meteorite trades 1 Gold Leaf for 1 billion mesos and vice versa
Sera maxes skills, gives random job items
Robin resets stats and adds in stats
Spinel warps to towns and monster maps
Spindle sells NX
O-Pongo sells buffs
Konpei warps to PvP map
Nara is the Donator Point NPC
Shanks is in the FM, does all of the above.
Vicious warps to event map if !event is in use
Ms Tan, Duey transfers items
Gachapon Works
Adobis manages Zakum squads
Coco Sells Fame
Boss Summoner is in FM22
Player Shops
Ring Effects
Everything with pets work
Chairs Work
2x Exp card working
Donator Point system + seller in FM
Karma System
Robos Working
Paties Working!
Dash Working!
@dispose - Use if you're stuck.
@fmnpc - Opens Shanks.
@help - This shows all the player commands.
@karma [raise/drop] [user] - Raises or drops [user's] karma (costs 1 karma to do, 40 needed to use command)
Another PQ and gunz server coming soon!
Skilled coders applications are open! Apply on the forum!
[Owner] Hyper
[Co-Owner] Hamza/HawksKing
[GM] Go in Game to find out(sorry)
Join Now!

These wayne monsters drop sugar, exchange them with Gachapon!