Offical Co webpage 04/13/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 19 Replies heey people
im going to release the offical co website its an small release and its onley for people who want to download it.
guide how to setup the site:
1.find an ftp client on google.
2.You can also download appsev and run it on your ip (Lan ip)
wtf with offical sro servers?!! 04/28/2008 - Silkroad Online - 4 Replies I get died, i want to go back to town, loading is get stucked, rev6 server stat says, servers empty. so wtf hapened?!
Offical Review! 08/23/2006 - General Gaming Discussion - 11 Replies Review for Rakion!
First off, I think that the game has some potential for the future eg, (increasing max lvl, more weapons/armor) ect.
Second of all I think that this game has a highly addictictive way about it, something that makes you want to keep playing after you have had a few games.
One thing that would keep most gamers going on this game is its unique maps and awesome effects, also the fact that you can lvl up and change your gear makes this highly appealing.
I cant see how...