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how to play a game on an difrent IP

Discussion on how to play a game on an difrent IP within the Main forum part of the General category.

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how to play a game on an difrent IP

Hey there

Ive been wondering, im about to buy alot of accounts with valuable stuff.
This is illegal so i would have to get 2 difrent programs that are able to open applications/programs/webbrowser/games on an difrent IP adress than mine.

Why 2?
Because i need one to login a char that i wil create just to recieve the valuable items.

And the second i need to login the bought characters so that i can trade all the valuable stuff to my just made char.

I have been using sandboxie but when i look up its IP on the webbrowser it shows my own and my home adress to.

Please help me out here

Thanks already and have a good weekend people
alexhaes is offline  

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