Do not trust anyone on here that tells you buying from “handfarmed sellers” is the safest. They are only looking out for their self-interests because they are trying to peddle their own gold-selling services on here. Buying from them doesn’t protect you at all unless they also do the abyss bid method, but these people usually charge way above market.
There’s only one reliable way to buy gold without getting banned. The seller doesn’t matter. You carry the seller through oreha abyss and have them bid on a purple book with gold. You can either take two friends in that will DC at the start, or if the seller is well versed enough, he will bring his own chars to dc at the start of the dungeon so that all the gold from the bid goes to you. If you’re going to do this, today is the last day to do it and avoid the new tax AGS is implementing for bids starting tomorrow. You can message gold sellers on G2G and ask for the abyss method, roughly 1/3rd on NA East are willing to do it.
Again, today is the last day you can do this and avoid the 5% bid tax starting tomorrow. AGS has finally caught on that people were doing this, but they aren’t willing to ban just based off bids. Everyone in my guild in NA East has been exclusively using this method since late last summer, none of us have gotten banned even though we’re all 1590 with level 10 gems.