1) farm as much as possible.
2) stay much on line and only use ult to help other lines
3) stack triforce force fast
4) use doran ring plus masteries 12/18 on start
Farm till 40th mind and hope that your team doesnt lose the game. Use your ult to help your team while you are forcing top . Try to be defensive as you lose most matchups . Good luck
[Selling] GREAT DIAMOND ACCOUNT FOR AN ADC MAIN (unique skins+diamond border!) 01/07/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Hello, I would like to sell my smurf it's Diamond5, I used it mostly when I was playing ADC and now since I play jungle from over month i think I'll just stay where I am. This account is great for an adc/marksmans main. It includes some other champions too. U can look down for a screens.
I got diamond1 on my main account.
It has 18 Riot Points and 1751 IP
The account has 23 champions
3 Runepages with runes to play