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Challenger Euw Soloq answering ur questions
Discussion on Challenger Euw Soloq answering ur questions within the League of Legends forum part of the Popular Games category.
05/17/2021, 17:51
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 893
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@ im 1v3 every game , no matter the state of my lane (win/lose/go even) my jgl never plays around me , my support never help me push , my jgl never fix my wave when i trade 1 for 1 , everyone full mute and ignore my pings or calls ? do i just switch role and abuse broken jgl / support or any tips for midlane that can help me out because imactually clueless and pretty ******
Tell him to pick a strong meta mid laner that can roam and be his own jgler and play around side lanes and roam together with his jgler. Shove out and roam. Also he should ward more if hes that easy to gank. If he wants more ganks he has to freeze it more often and make sure the jgler has a clear way of ganking. But roaming himself is easier.
05/19/2021, 17:28
elite*gold: 0
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how to 1v9 with toplane? im in silver and often im 9/0 or something like that but ill still lose the match (playing morde, garen, wukong) lol
05/21/2021, 13:15
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 893
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@ how to 1v9 with toplane? im in silver and often im 9/0 or something like that but ill still lose the match (playing morde, garen, wukong) lol
If u are often rly fed but still lose half of ur games u are probably not ending them fast enough. Take ur lead and start doing objectives as fast as possible. U want to end it before ur team has time to throw or ur lead gets smaller again because u cap out. U can check ur kill conversion in ur stats page in ur client profile. Check it for ur main champs and see if its close to 30% or even higher. The faster u end a game where u have a lead the better. Also keep in mind u will never win everygame its a team game ur goal should be to get a positive winrate. So get ur lead and try to end as fast as possible. Wont work every game but u can have more wins than losses.
05/21/2021, 13:33
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 547
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your thoughts on tank kog? (witsend, hurricane, randuins)
05/22/2021, 11:54
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 893
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@ your thoughts on tank kog? (witsend, hurricane, randuins)
I like it. Its annoying to play against esp when paired with a lulu or similar. U have enough dmg to still kill every1 and often teams in soloq dont even have tanks etc but u dont get oneshot from people dashing/jumping at u from across 2 screens. A similar build was allrdy played in earlier seasons.
05/26/2021, 00:36
elite*gold: 0
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keep asking
06/04/2021, 12:18
elite*gold: 0
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have time for more questions
06/06/2021, 13:53
elite*gold: 0
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What about Jinx?
06/07/2021, 12:29
elite*gold: 0
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@ What about Jinx?
Jinx is strong atm. There is a ton of challenger jinx all over the world this patch/season. She has everything u want like wave clear/rly good scaling/range, only weakness is no escape but that can be solved by either good positioning or premade sup etc. If u like her i would spam as many games as possible before she gets nerfed or unplayable again.
06/09/2021, 12:48
elite*gold: 0
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keep asking
06/09/2021, 14:54
elite*gold: 0
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Hello, im scripting playing xerath midlane or support i always stomp my lane, roam to bot or top my score is always like 10+ but we will still lose any ideas tips?
06/11/2021, 10:52
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 893
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@ Hello, im scripting playing xerath midlane or support i always stomp my lane, roam to bot or top my score is always like 10+ but we will still lose any ideas tips?
If u still lose while destroying lane hardcore u probably dont do enough objectives. Try to increase ur kill conversion that means everytime u get a kill look for an objective to do. Also shove out ur lanes before u leave for side lanes so u dont lose pressure mid.
06/14/2021, 02:18
elite*gold: 0
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have time for more questions
06/19/2021, 12:43
elite*gold: 0
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keep asking
06/25/2021, 14:46
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 893
Received Thanks: 192
have time for more questions
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