[Buying] Fist/Riot Ward Skin Code 04/17/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hey guys,
I wanna buy Fist Ward Skin Code from Riot, write the Price in that Threat.
I need it for Server EUW.
[Selling] Riot Fist bump ward FOR SALE USED ON OCE 04/17/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies I am selling a Riot ward fist bump ward skin. The code has been used on OCE but still works on every other server. I will be willing to go first if you have 50+ tbm add me on skype omarhazer
[Selling] Riot Fist bump ward FOR SALE 04/14/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Hey there like I said here I am with my spoils from PAX. Let me know how many you want and your price. Skype, omarhazer
Edit: Shit forgot the link of the image here, http://i.imgur.com/oiDO5le.jpg
Aimjunkies expiry date? 02/15/2013 - DayZ - 8 Replies Heyho,
hab mir vor langer langer Zeit nen Monat für den Aimjunkies Hack besorgt. Der Sollte schon seit über 2 Monate abgelaufen sein, dennoch ist er für ab heute 6 weitere Tage gültig.
Ist es normal das der 3 Monate gültig ist?
€dit: gleiche beim anderen Kollegen auch.