[Buying] Want to buy Iron/bronz/silver/gold account euw 03/27/2021 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Looking for an Last season Iron/Bronz/silver/gold account Euw server(last season) Prefer unranked ,With lot of champs Offer me prices
Must be recovery inform to the account!
LF Account Iron/Bronz EU west (offer free boost) 03/17/2020 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hey,
I looking for accout Iron/Bronz with Jungler and mid champions.
I can offer free wins 10-15.
[Buying] Look for REAL Iron/Bronz acc 01/07/2019 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies I need a real Iron or Bronz acc.
If I play Soloq, Flex or Normal, i want to play against bronz / iron as well.
PS:Only on EUW
[Trading] Silver 1 for Bronz/Iron 01/05/2019 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies i'm looking for a level 30 unrank / bronz / iron acc on EUW.
I offer my lvl 41 Gold 4 Smurf with Gold 2 MMR.
Skin's: God-King Garen,Sanguine Garen,Riot Kayle
PS:I have no skype
[Buying] Suche Iron-Bronz acc 12/30/2018 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Ich suche nach einem Bronz oder Iron acc.
Der acc darf keine high MMR haben, da ich auch gegen Iron und bronze spielen will.