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✅ Prime Gaming Capsule ⚡️ Any Server ⚡️ Amazon Prime ⚡️ Twitch Prime ✅

Discussion on ✅ Prime Gaming Capsule ⚡️ Any Server ⚡️ Amazon Prime ⚡️ Twitch Prime ✅ within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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rayxerxes's Avatar
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Join Date: Oct 2020
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Arrow ✅ Prime Gaming Capsule ⚡️ Any Server ⚡️ Amazon Prime ⚡️ Twitch Prime ✅

Twitch Prime Capsule Content: 350RP, 1350 RP Skin Permanent, 5 Champion Shards, 30-Day XP Boost, 200 Orange Essence, 2 Eternal Shards

One claim per account every month
Price: 1.5 USD
Discord: Ray Xerxes#0444

You can buy it from g2g directly:

you can contact me through discord

Connection instructions:
Log in from anonymous tab (Ctrl + Shift + N on the keyboard).

Instructions Images:
1) Enter this link into your browser when you visit the anonymous tab ().
2) Click on Claim now button
3) Then sign in using the data I will provide and press the sign-in button
4) When you logged into your account, Click continue then click Go to Riot Games
5) Enter your riot account data and link the accounts.
6) Scroll down and click Complete Claim

The screen will display (Crown blinking will be written Successfully claimed)
Go to the game and check for loot


Q: Can I link different Amazon accounts to my Riot account and claim each offer multiple times?
A: No, each offer can only be applied to one account. Each account can only receive one offer per month.

Q: I see other games on the Prime Gaming website. Do I have to claim each campaign separately?
A: Yes. Each game campaign is separate so you will have to claim each separately.

Q: Will my content be available in all game regions I play in?
A: Content is granted to a single League of Legends account in a single region.
rayxerxes is offline  

amazon prime, capsule, prime, twitch prime

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