[Selling] Diam 5 131 champs 50 skins, S6 Diam 03/05/2017 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies WTS a diam 5 account with all champs except 3, over 50 skins and a diamond border on EU WEST.
Offer here or pm me
[Buying] Boost Plat III --> Plat II or Diam V 11/07/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 8 Replies Hi,
Need a fast boost, cheap price ( pref DuoQ or SoloQ ) asap
give me a price for Plat III --> Plat II and if it's good we can continue Diam V
Server : EUW
[Selling] DIAM I acc, EUNE, 70~ SKINS + RARE, SEASON 3 DIAM ! 05/15/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Hey, I want to sell my Dia I acc on EUNE.
Since I dont have enough time to play anymore
All stuff u can see on ss
Also i can show u this acc on stream, so u can see all skins, division,chemps
SKYPE : [email protected]