[Buying] Elo Boost Platinum 5 - Platinum 4 03/04/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 11 Replies Hey guys,
I want to order an Elo Boost from Platinum 5 to Platinum 4.
It should be done today(25-28 points per win) so it dont take a long time.
offer me ;)
2X SMURF ACCOUNTS | 1 SMURF WITH RARE NAME "Hide on Bush"/SECOND SMURF IS FRESH GOLD 01/09/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello Guys,
Im selling 2 of my Smurfs Accounts. My First Smurf has the name "Hide on bush". The name has 1 fake letter and it will not show the full name in Champ Select & Ingame Chat. BUT it will show the whole full name in Loading Screen & Ingame.
Its very funny, if they called you Faker etc. Both Accounts are Gold Elo and I don't need them anymore.
If you want some proof, that it rlly show the full name ingame, just write me a pm and add me as friend in LoL. We can make a custom...
[Selling] NA Diamond 3 Smurf & NA Platinum 3 Smurf 08/17/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Since I am heading back to school I no longer have time to play on my main nor my smurfs. The following smurf accounts have been made with false information and fake email so they are 100% unrecoverable once you change the account information.
Payment will be via: paypal. As they are 100% safe/unrecoverable I will not go first. I have plenty of good rep already anyways. Contact me via skype @ NvA-Darkchlor
Account 1:
Division: Diamond 3
Champions: 20
View image: D1 Account Champs
[Selling] Platinum ELO Smurf Account 06/12/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Well hello there! :pimp:
Im now selling my smurf account who recently hit platinum elo with only 60 total ranked games played (41 wins of 60 games).
Info about the account:
LVL 30
Platinum Elo.
50 Champions.
WTB Smurf Account EUW - Low Elo | Kaufe Smurf Account - Niedriges Elo 04/29/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies English
Hey Epvp :)
I want to buy two new Smurf Account, this Account should have some runes and champs.I seach for one REAL LOW Account(Elo about 800, but can be a bit higher or lower, doenst matter much :) ), this Account just needs the Champ TALON, Runes: Red Ad /Armor Pen, Yellow Magic Resit(wenn es geht, aber es geht auch armor bzw. mana reg), Blue magic resit, Quints AD
Good Runes should be too on the Account, what I need is:
Magic Pen/Ap Red
Yelow Armor
Blue Magic Resit