Want to sell euw 72% winrate D4 Account Nuffy#3510
Discussion on Want to sell euw 72% winrate D4 Account Nuffy#3510 within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
[Selling] EUW DIAMOND 2 67% WINRATE & DIAMOND 3 72% WINRATE - NEGOTIABLE PRICE 06/25/2019 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Not much to say when the title says it all but im selling a D3 and D2 account on EUW
Contact me and we'll make a deal that suits us both!
Diamond 2 Account
Diamond 2 Account - epvpImg
Diamond 3 Account
Diamond 3 Account - epvpImg
Price: Negotiable
[B] 3510 e*gold [S] Umcasher 01/02/2014 - elite*gold Trading - 7 Replies Hallo ich wuerde gerne meine 3510 e*gold in Bitcoins Paypal oder Ueberweisung umcashen
Schreibt mir euren Kurs und ich sage ob ich es mache oder nich.
Schreibt es mir unterm Thread per Pn oder In Skype!