Offering a currently unranked account with mostly ADC and jungle champions.
The account is currently sitting on level 72 and was leveled and played by myself. The account hasn't been banned once.
The account has a nice "neutral" name. Basically means you are not named Peter or xPUSSYSLAYERx or some ****.
Accounts content:
The account has a few nice emotes and icons and 10 ward skins.
85 Riot Points
10K+ Blue Essence
Some unused epic skin shards
Legendary skins:
Battle Boss Veigar
*** King Garen
Mecha Zero Sion + Chroma
The Magnificent Twisted Fate
Zombie Brand
Epic skins:
Spirit Fire Brand
Warring Kingdoms Azir
Mecha Rengar + Chroma
Dark Star Varus
Lunar Guardian Warwick
Super Galaxy Kindred
Warring Kingdoms Garen
Warring Kingdoms Vi
Infernal Amumu
Creator Viktor
Pulsefire Shen
Elderwood Hecarim
Dragon Master Swain
23 other skins including 12 legacy skins like Conquerer Varus or Birdio for example.
The price would be 20€ as a G2A gift card OR Crusader Kings II DLC keys of my choice worth ~20€ from (I'd use Paypal, but I don't have it, rarely doing stuff online)
I'm okay with using a trusted middleman as long as you cover his fees.
I'm not handing out the account before payment if there is no middleman.