Originally Posted by UMbeessees
IM looking for a looow iron account, idc about champs skins and lvls, i just need asap an iron account (iron doesnt mean placements smurf account)
discord: Umbeess#8062
Hey Sir, i don't have iiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrroooooooooooonnnnnnn accounts, but i have few fresh(Never ranking)
EUW Fresh 30 lvl 21 Champs(Kata/Nida/Cait) Skins (Headhunter Nida) 2 Honor 611 OE In Loot: Odyssey Kayn/Pretty Kitty Rengar 16896 BE - 15€
EUW Fresh 34 lvl 20 Champs 3 Skins(Dark Star Kha'Zix) 2 Honor 7095 BE - 15€
EUW Fresh Unverified mail 30 lvl 21 Champs(Diana/Fiora/Cait) 7 Skins 144 BE - 13€
EUW Fresh Unverified mail 30 lvl 27 Champs 2 Skins 2 Honor 1883 BE - 13€
EUW Unranked 29 Champs 32 lvl 6 Skins (Sour Reaver Draven) 2 Honor 5000 OE in Loot: Ahri/Rengar | Lunar Wraith Cait/Marquis Vlad/Death Sworn Kata/Final Boss Veigar/Project: Akali/Star Guardian Ahri/Sweetheart Rakan/Re-Gifted Amumu) 13755 BE (S7 Silver) - 30€
EUW Unranked Unverified mail 30 lvl 20 Champs 4 Skins 2 Honor 5 Kays 7291 BE (S7 Silver) - 15€