Discussion on GrandMaster +200lp very high mmr Great account within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
Selling a Cheap Overwatch Grandmaster/Deacyed Grandmaster Account with many skins! 10/03/2019 - Overwatch Trading - 6 Replies Price:40$ Contact me via Discord if you´re intrested: Marcel ツ#1046
purchase method: Paypal
Because of personal reasons, unfortunately, I have no time to play with this account
I hope you have the same fun with the account I had :)!
Gold Weapons: Dva,Soldier,Tracer,Widow and Winston. 7956 Comp Points left.
[Trading] Master tier account 150/200LP to trade against HIGH SKIN account 08/29/2017 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies I'm looking for a saeson 1 account ( if possible BETA ) With a lot of champ/skins , runes / runes pages . Inclued Somes Ultra rare skins , against my master tier 150/200LP EUW . To trade . No serius offer dont pm me or add on skype
Bests regards.