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Discussion on WTS EUW UNRANKED DREADNOVA DARIUS within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
06/04/2019, 15:38
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 219
Received Thanks: 9
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Hi so WTT vs UFE darkorbit account, LOL is starting tilt me / my account is silver, also last season. Personnal acc so all payment proofs etc could be provide for sure !
70+ champs
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I can also sell it.
Don't hesitate to add my skype : aietchakplayer
[Selling] EUW with dreadnova darius and 10 champs lv7 mastery
07/07/2017 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies
Hi so my account is silver, also last season. Personnal acc so all payment proofs etc could be provide for sure !
70+ champs
70+ skins (some are really good like dreadnova darius, the last one of yasuo or god lee, satan teemo etc...)
I can also trade it vs an account which has the mighty jax or pax skin(s).
Don't hesitate to add my skype : aietchakplayer
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