I sell my account (EUW) with 172 skins, with all champions (lvl.122), the account has 10 mastery 7 champs, 10 M6 and 14 M5 champs
For the skins :
I have 3 ultimate skins : DJ Sona, Lux Elementalist and Ezreal Pulsfire
I have 2 mythic skins : Soulstealer Vayne and Annie Hextech
I have 21 Legendary Skins and 44 epic skins.
Rare borders : Katarina Project (border), ashe championship (border), Project vayne (border), *** king darius (border)
Rare Skins : Ice toboggan Corki, The Magnificent Twisted Fate, Kitty Cat/ Red Card Katarina, Riot Kayle/Blitzcrank, Zombie Ryze, Victorious Maokai/Graves/Orianna, Mr.Mundoverse, Anivia Hextech, Annie in Wonderworld,
22 Chromas, 25 emotes.
If u want screenshot of the account, or u just want to buy the account, PM me : KATARINA WAIFUUU#6579