EUW: (8)
LVL: 12 (735/984XP)
Champions: 6 Champions (Yi, Nasus, Poppy, Rumble, Ryze and Singed)
Skins: 1 Skin (Rumble in the Jungle)
Summoner Icons: 2015 H2k Gaming logo.
Additional info:
Honor LVL 2 (0/3).
Crafting: 380 OE
150 RP.
685 BE.
All of the recent missions aren't done.
PRICE : 2.5€
LVL: 13 (443/1056XP)
Champions: 12 Champions (Ahri, Brand, Cait, Darius, Garen, Janna, Kayle, Lux, MF, Taric and Xin)
Skins: 0 Skins
Summoner Icons: 3 (Yi Face and KDA)
Additional info:
Honor LVL 2 (0/3).
Crafting: 732 OE; 1 Chest; 1 Fragment; and a shard of Blade Queen Lissandra;
0 RP.
3720 BE.
3 Store refunds.
All of the recent missions aren't done.
PRICE : 2.5€
LVL: 14 (443/1128XP)
Champions: 4 Champions (LB, Yi, Nidalee and TF)
Skins: 0 Skins
Summoner Icons: 3 (Nothing Special)
Additional info:
Honor LVL 2 (0/3).
Crafting: 1959 OE; 2 Fragment;
0 RP.
2999 BE.
All of the recent missions aren't done.
PRICE : 2.5€
LVL: 10 (714/816XP)
Champions: 4 Champions (Annie, Vayne, WW and Kayle)
Skins: 1 Skin (Riot Kayle)
Summoner Icons: 2014 SKT Gaming logo.
Additional info:
Honor LVL 2 (0/3).
Crafting: 1663 OE; Arcade Hecarim shard;
0 RP.
1761 BE.
All of the recent missions aren't done.
PRICE : 2.5€
LVL: 16 (338/1440XP)
Champions: 13 Champions (Alistar, Annie, Brand, Cait, Darius, Janna, Garen, Yi, MF, Nidalee, Pyke, Talon and Tristana)
Skins: 2 Skins (Unchained Ali and Riot Tristana)
Summoner Icons: 15 (Kindred Headbone and MF face)
Additional info:
1 Emote
2 Ward skins (The Ripper ward and World Rune ward)
Honor LVL 2 (0/3).
Crafting: 1136 OE; 1 Chest; 1 Fragment; 3 Champion shards (Yorick, Kennen and Cait); 3 Skin shards (Atlantean Syndra, Darkflame Shyvana and Prehistoric Renekton)
0 RP.
1600 BE.
3 Store refunds.
Most of the recent missions aren't done.
PRICE : 2.5€
LVL: 16 (304/1440XP)
Champions: 14 Champions (Ahri, Brand, Cait, Darius, Evelyn, Garen, Janna, Jinx, Lux, Yi, MF, Trundle, WW and Xin)
Skins: 1 Skin (Star Guardian Jinx)
Summoner Icons: 7 (Yi Face and all the Odyssey event icons)
Additional info:
5 Emotes
1 Ward skin (Odyssey Ward)
Honor LVL 2 (0/3).
Crafting: 64 OE; 1 Champion shard (Xerath); 3 Skin shards (Arcade Ahri, Arcade MF and Odyssey Ziggs)
0 RP.
20 BE.
3 Store refunds.
All of the recent missions aren't done.
PRICE : 2.5€
LVL: 17 (1216/1536XP)
Champions: 10 Champions (Alistar, Annie, Ashe, Brand, Garen, Janna, Nidalee, Soraka, Thresh and Tristana)
Skins: 3 Skins (Dreadknight Garen, Unchained Alistar and Riot Tristana)
Summoner Icons: 12 (Nothing Special)
Additional info:
1 Emote
2 Ward skins (The Ripper ward and World Rune ward)
Honor LVL 2 (0/3).
Crafting: 1422 OE; 2 Fragments; 4 Champion shard (Graves, Kennen, Orianna and Renekton); 4 Skin shards (Arcade MF, Cosmic Dusk Xayah, Dark Valkyre Diana and Pool Party Reksai)
0 RP.
2860 BE.
3 Store refunds.
Most of the recent missions aren't done.
PRICE : 2.5€
LVL: 19 (507/1824XP)
Champions: 9 Champions (Alistar, Ashe, Brand, Garen, Katarina, Malz, Nidalee, TF and Zilean)
Skins: 2 Skins (Unchained Alistar and Headhunter Nidalee)
Summoner Icons: 6 (Nothing Special)
Additional info:
1 Emote
Honor LVL 2 (0/3).
Crafting: 1785 OE; 1 Fragments; 30 Lunar Revel; 2 Champion shards (Rammus and Swain); 1 Skin shard (Dragon Sorcer Zyra)
0 RP.
342 BE.
3 Store refunds.
Some of the recent missions are done.
PRICE : 2.5€
EUNE: (2)
LVL: 18
Champions: 12 Champions on various lanes.
Skins: 1 Skin (Judgement Kayle)
Additional info:
Honor LVL 2 (1/3).
Crafting is empty.
0 RP
3832 BE
All 3 store refunds are up.
All the recent missions are up.
PRICE : 2.5€
LVL: 10 (193/816XP)
Champions: 9 Champions (Alistar, Annie, Ashe, Kayle, Nunu, Sivir, Soraka, Tristana and Trynda)
Skins: 4 Skins (Sweeper Ali, Unchained Ali, Riot Trist and Riot Kayle)
Additional info:
Honor LVL 2 (0/3).
Crafting: 1013 OE; 2 Chests; 2 Fragments; 3 Skin Shards (Red Riding Annie, Slayer Pantheon and Snowstrom Sivir).
Summoner Icons: 7 (2014 TPA Logo)
75 RP
52 BE
All 3 store refunds are up.
All the recent missions are up.
PRICE : 2.5€
All my accounts are handleveled by myself and have never been owned by somebody else.
Also note none of my accounts are been banned or have anything to do with restrictions.
All the accounts are verified to my e-mail.
Most of the accounts have been unactive.
Payment: Paypal or Skrill
Contact: via Discord ISnipe4KILL#2454
NOTE: Trading only with epvp users who can valuate my profile. If you aren't a member of Epvp you have to pay first.