[Selling] CHEAPEST BOOSTING ON EUW / 15 % On all Boosting Customers only TODAY 03/23/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies http://i.epvpimg.com/ZpMid.jpg
***Servers on which im are available***
☑Europe West
Vouches :
[Selling] Free Elo Boosting ONLY TODAY 27.09 [UP TO 1 DIVISION!] 09/27/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi,
boosting up to Gold V 1 complete division for free, as soon as i can get 2 accounts to play duo!
Message me if you are interested!
EDIT: Offer only counts if you get more than 18LP per win!
[Selling] [FREE BOOSTING] only today 07.09.13 [1 DIVISION UP TO SILVER I] 09/14/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies Hey guys,
im feeling very bored today and because of this i offer you a FREE boosting service for a few more LP or a promotion no matter where you are. (not higher than Silver 1 tho)
I dont guarantee you to push the promotion etc. as it is a free service but i won't leave you with less LP than you got before i started the job!
A full AD/AP rune page is required.
I play with VPN!
Today its Today 01/20/2009 - Silkroad Online - 9 Replies Haha today after inspection that what will be , i going to buy that sexy black devil :D
Hello. This is Silkroad Online.
In order to maintain a pleasant gaming and smooth patching experience, all servers will be undergoing weekly server inspection.
Weekly server inspection will occur every Tuesday.
Game Inspection Period : Jan 20, 2008 13:00~16:30 Silkroad Standard Time (3 hour 30 minute duration)