T>[Korean]Nexon Account/Korean mGame account for AO Silkyon Account/Item 09/29/2013 - Atlantica Online Trading - 5 Replies I am trading my korean nexon account that allows you to play any game released by them, such as Elsword, Mabinogi heroes. I also own a Korean Mgame account. That will allow you play any game released by them, such as Legend of Ares! I can also make you an account if you prefer. Pm offers or post here.
Trade Korean Nexon Account for Korean Pmang Account 05/13/2013 - Trading - 2 Replies I'll create a Korean Nexon account the way you want (your email, ID and paswword) and will post a little explanation on how to change your password too. In exchange I'll want a pmang account with my preferences too, and if possible a little guide on how to change the password (not necessary though). If you're in, just pm me first with your details with your skype to exchange information and what time you could get on it (with the time zone, example: EST), than I'll pm my info with my details...
T>[Korean]Nexon Account/Korean mGame account for Dekaron Account 01/02/2012 - Dekaron Trading - 7 Replies Trading either a Korean Nexon Account which allows you to play any game released by them with no restriction, such as Elsword, Or a Korean M Game account that will allow you to play any game released by them such as the famous legend of ares. Pm Me or Post an Offer here.
--Looking for lvl 130+ of any class on SIZ besides hunter/segnale.