Kaufe EUW Unranked lvl 30 Acc (botted/not botted+unverified) 02/19/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hey,
Wie der Titel schon sagt brauche ich einen Level 30 EUW account,
25-30k IP reichen.
habe 10€ PSC zur verfügung :)
würde mich über Angebote sehr freuen :) Danke im Vorraus
[Selling] ★EUW Account shop★Botted★Not Botted★ 01/14/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies http://i.imgur.com/RfyxamK.jpg
[Selling] PLAT4 EUW 10E PSC(not botted) 03/21/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies i want back on EUNE so i don't need this account.THIS ACCOUNT IS NOT BOTTED and u also get registration mail with it.20 champs,ad and ap runes.If u are trusted i go first.