[Selling] WTS CHEAP EUNE ACCOUNT LEVEL 30 80% WINRATE HIGH KDA SILVER 4 SKT LEE SKIN AND MORE 04/07/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi I want to sell my lol account cheap as possible. Account is level 30 silver 4 currently 80% winrate 25 games played+winstreak. Account not botted or anything. Account was unranked all seasons long !
Account has SKT T1 Lee skin , Lunar Wraith Morgana and Pepper Eye WardSkin !
30+ Champs and 3k IP ! Basic AD,AP RUNES and some more !
I want to sell the Account for 20 euro ! Because I only play now on EUW and I need the Money for my account on EUW :)
[Selling] [EUW] Diamond 3 Account with Diamond border and amazing kda! 01/23/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies as title says. account contains excellent kda, diamond border, 35 champions, 1 paid skin (for lee).
if you want to know any details contact me on skype.
add me on skype and write me your price there.
Price is 65 euros, im not gonna negotiate, just add if you are 100% sure u'r egonna buy, don't waste my and your time.
[Selling] Gold 5 account with lots of limited skins, high mmr, good kda etc. 08/10/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies Account is EuW, gold 5.
got original email and everything.
Account got high mmr, I recently got 31 LP from a game.
I get about 17-25 per game.
Got nice kda with almost all champions.
2 pentas and 10-16 quadras.
It got 68 champions:
[Selling] EU N acc lvl 30,with high kda and 6 pentas 04/10/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies hey,
i sell my eu nordic acc
70 champs
silver 2 , KD from 4.1 with all ADC Champs, 6 Pentas,20 Quadras,100 Trippel are in the ranked Stats
not much skins its my 2 acc but i have a bit