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Eloboost Management Panel V2 [Match History, Prefered Positions, Prefered Champions]
Discussion on Eloboost Management Panel V2 [Match History, Prefered Positions, Prefered Champions] within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
04/01/2018, 20:06
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 43
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Eloboost Management Panel V2 [Match History, Prefered Positions, Prefered Champions]
I created another Eloboost Management Panel which is way better than the first one.
What does it contain?
For customers: - A match history,
The possibility to grab your favourite champions, your favourite positions,
To have a constant eye on the progress of its boost, the system updates its current rank thanks to the RIOT API
For boosters: - They will see the details of the order very easily
For admins : - Ability to assign, re-assign, drop a command.
To create boosters, commands etc....
Here are some pictures :
You can contact me through Skype : courtou3,
OR on discord : Developer#6217
Don't hesitate to ask for more informations or whatever.
04/03/2018, 21:43
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 32
Received Thanks: 1
Originally Posted by JokerBoost
I created another Eloboost Management Panel which is way better than the first one.
What does it contain?
For customers: - A match history,
The possibility to grab your favourite champions, your favourite positions,
To have a constant eye on the progress of its boost, the system updates its current rank thanks to the RIOT API
For boosters: - They will see the details of the order very easily
For admins : - Ability to assign, re-assign, drop a command.
To create boosters, commands etc....
Here are some pictures :
You can contact me through Skype : courtou3,
Don't hesitate to ask for more informations or whatever.
Please give me your discord.
04/04/2018, 00:45
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 32
Received Thanks: 1
Originally Posted by JokerBoost
I do not have Discord, but don't hesitate to contact me with private messages on EPVP, or on skype (best way) : courtou3
Added you on skype.
04/07/2018, 11:23
elite*gold: 10
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 452
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I ordered a panel from him but sadly the live chat system and the panel is fully bugged and he can't fix it ....
04/07/2018, 11:56
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 43
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Originally Posted by Zelricks™
I ordered a panel from him but sadly the live chat system and the panel is fully bugged and he can't fix it ....
That is why I made a newer version, this one is easily maintenable, and better coded. I did the first version when I started to work as a web developer, now I've some more experiences.
If you're not still satisfied, you can ask me on skype to test this version, so you can see what it's looks like.
Best Regards.
05/27/2018, 13:27
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 96
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Looks identical to GGboosts panel
05/27/2018, 18:57
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 43
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Originally Posted by Premium Coach
Looks identical to GGboosts panel
Since I am not a designer, I was strongly inspired by an already existing panel look, but of course, I can modify the visual of the panel, the most important remains the features present in the panel.
Best Regards.
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