WTB NA P2 0LP -> P1 0LP DuoQ Boost 06/11/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi!
Should be fast job (had much higher rank last season and can play all day)
MSG me or Leave offer/skype
P2 0LP -> P1 0LP Duo Boost 06/11/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 12 Replies Leave offer and skype or PM.
Average LP gains. Won't be heavy (higher rank last season)
[Buying] Silver 2 0LP to S1 0LP [TONIGHT] 10/22/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 10 Replies gettin 31LP per win dropped from gold 2 :(
Gold 2 0LP - Plat 5 0LP 04/20/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 11 Replies Hey Guys,
i am stuck in Gold 2-3 for some time and need a boost now.
Want to get to Plat 5 0 LP.
Boost should begin today and should be done asap.
Only trusted Boosters pls.
Offer pls with skypeadd. I will add you if i am interested.
[Buying] Gold3 0LP -> Plat5 0LP 10/04/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 20 Replies Hey Guys,
i search a booster for it.
how much u take for it? :)