Welcome, I want to sell Gold II SoloQ , Gold 5 Flex rankeds account. I am first and only owner of this account.
I want to get 25€ giftcard on steam. I don't go first, after you send me giftcards I will give you password, change email and give you informations which you need to recover account.
Account has:
2132 ip
56 rp
+70 champions
Riot Blitzcrank
Pulsefire Ezreal
Riot Graves
Riot Kayle
Forsaken Jayce
Victorious Sivir
Captain Gankplank
Death Blossom Kha'zix
Muay Thai Lee Sin
Riot K9-nasus
Battle Bunny Riven
Heartseeker Vayne
Arctic Warfare caitlyn
Prestigious LeBlanc
Uncle Ryze
Badger Teemo
Unchained Alistar
Deadknight Garen
Riot Girl Tristana
Skype: Matizo1231
I never go first.
Some informations about account:
It's my main account and I'm selling it because I don't want to play league any more. Account was created in Season 3 , got lvl 30 in season 4, in season 4 it was silver, season 5 gold I , season 6 unranked and season 7 it's gold II currently.