Looking for Vouchers for my upcoming eloboost Service
Discussion on Looking for Vouchers for my upcoming eloboost Service within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
Lokkking for vouchers for upcoming Eloboost from Bronze 5 to Plat 5 01/05/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 15 Replies Hey guys Im searching for vouchers to get more trusted and start with Elo/Division-Boosting after some vouches.
My main is Plat 5 and Im ely expereinced in the game. I have 10 rune pages and more than half of all champions in the game
A picture of my rating:
If u decide to buy a eloboost, I will do a bit of coaching aswell and disccus the runes of ur runepages with you and talk to u about the metagame and warding and show you my own created documents...
Niki's Eloboost to Plat V [Looking for vouchers] 06/23/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 48 Replies Hello, Everybody!
I'd like to indrouce myself, I've been a high-level, competitive player since season 1. I'm currently in Diamond I (west) Platinum II (east) on my own and Platinum with team also have been boosting people for weeks now...I've boosted accounts, even my own smurf accounts, to platinum and diamond rating many times. At the moment, I'm currently providing my boosting services for EU na NA *(NEW)* servers only. I'm, also, open for price...