[Selling] Dia V / Last Season Dia (Dia Border) LoL Account 06/09/2017 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Hey,
wts my LoL Account. EUW
Platin 1
Last Season Diamond, Dia Border in Loading Screen / Victorious Morgana Skin / 2014 Dia Summoner Icon
1000+ RP
1000+ IP
Champions OWNED :
[Trading] EUNE S4 Dia S5 Dia 119 Champs 19 Skins Plat II 60LP for any rank EUW account 01/27/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies I'd trade my EUNE smurf account, to any rank EUW account.
My eune account has 119 champs 6 Rune Page 19 Skins, One of the best Draven's KDA and Champion score.
S3 Dia 1
S4 Dia II (multiple times master) got decayed after inactivity
Currently its Plat II 60LP out of 15 Matches.
Original e-mail inculuded.
What I want, atleast 10 rune pages.
High amount of champions, if there are skins thats also welcome.
Suche Dia oder Plat smurf / Searching for Dia or Plat smurf :3 10/05/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Hey,
Im searching for a smurf thats main is dia or platin :3
I just wanna come Gold5 again :)
If someone boost me he will get a mistery skin for his main and thumbs up for epvp
PM me or add me in skype: maximilian123453
[Buying] Boost Plat 2 - Dia 5 EUW & Plat 1 - Dia 5 TR 10/03/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 14 Replies Hey guys,
My account on EUW is currently Plat 2 around 30 LP to Dia 5 and my TR account is Plat 1 0 LP to Dia 5, lp gain is around 23-28 on TR.
Payment Paypal, it has to be done quickly pref high TBM and trusted.