[Buying] 80+ Champs, higher than plat, and decent amount of skins 06/22/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies I want a good account with a nice amount of champions and skins, EUW btw, I will not be giving you the money before i receieve the account so don't even bother trying please scammers.
skype: slightly.slight1
request a trade with acct info+email and paypal email.
[Buying] Bronze Account (with a decent amount of champs) 05/29/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Message me on here to discuss (Message your skype along with it)
Or an account with 150 refs on it unranked <----- Would like that more
Server: NA
[Selling] Level 30 | Plat 2 | 69 Champs | Decent amount of skins | 10 Rune pages 02/08/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello, looking to sell one of my smurfs I made a while back just leveling up with the 3v3 TT to play on with a friend. Have no need for the account anymore so just did the placements for S4. It was Diamond S3 so has border and icon. The account has Diamond 2 MMR, so you gain 30+ points each win, and will skip divisions quickly.
Champs - Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot
Skins - Around 30 skins, elophant isn't working and to lazy to SS all of them for a smurf account.
[WTB] Plat Account EUW | Good Champs | Decent amount of Skins 09/04/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies hi, i'm looking to buy a plat+ account on EUW
I've got around 60ish somethin euros to spend, nothing less, nothing more.
I'm only interested into people with a legit amount of TBMs, and I'll be asking for a view of the account on teamviewer.
I kinda want a seller with atleast 20~40+ positive TBMs, no negatives.
Email/Recovery MUST be included.
You can post your account threads here, and i'll contact you on skype.