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Discussion on WTS EUW LOL ACC within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

Old   #1
DerTransporter's Avatar
elite*gold: 68
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 439
Received Thanks: 24


- Platin Account
- 20 Pages
- 35k IP +

Aatrox - Justicar AAtrox
Ahri - Midnight Ahri, Foxfire Ahri
Akali - Stinger Akali, All-star Akali, Blood Moon Akali
Alistar - Unchained Alistar
Amumu - Pharaoh Amumu, Almost-Prom King Amumu, Little Knight Amumu
Anivia - /
Annie - Red Riding Annie, Frostfire Annie
Ashe - Woad Ashe, Queen Ashe, Hearthseeker Ashe
Azir - /
Bard - /
Blitzcrank - Riot Blitzcrank
Brand - Zombie Brand
Braum - /
Caitlyn - Sheriff Caitlyn, Safari Caitlyn
Cassiopeia - Siren Cassiopeia
Cho'Gath - Loch Ness Cho'Gath
Corki - Urfrider Corki
Darius - Bioforge Darius
Diana - /
Dr. Mundo - Executioner Mundo
Draven - /
Ekko - /
Evelynn - Shadow Evelynn
Ezreal - Nottingham Ezreal, Striker Ezreal, Frosted Ezreal, Explorer Ezreal, Pulsfire Ezreal, TPA Ezreal
Fiddlesticks - Pumpkinnhead Fiddlesticks
Fiora - /
Fizz - /
Galio - /
Gangplank - Spooky Gangplank, Toy Soldier Gangplank,
Garen - Sanguine Garen, Desert Trooper Garen, Rugged Garen,
Gnar - /
Gragas - Scuba Gragas
Graves - Hired Gun Graves, Mafia Graves, Riot Graves
Hecarim - Arcarde Hecarim
Heimerdinger - /
Illaoi - /
Irelia - Nightblade Irelia, Aviator Irelia
Janna - Frost Queen Janna, Victorious Janna, Forecast Janna
Jarvan IV - Darkforge Jarvan IV
Jax - The Mighty Jax, Vandal Jax, Jaximus
Jayce - Debonair Jayce
Jinx - /
Kalista - /
Karma - Sakura Karma, Traditonal Karma
Karthus - Grim Reaper Karthus,
Kassadin - Deep One Kassadin
Katarina - Mercenary Katarina, Red Card Katarina, Kitty Cat Katarina
Kayle - Judgment Kayle, Aether Wing Kayle
Kennen - Deadly Kennen, Swamp Master Kennen
Kha'Zix - Mecha Kha'Zix
Kindred -
Kog'Maw - Sonoran Kog'Maw, Deep Sea Kog'Maw
LeBlanc - Prestigious LeBlanc
Lee Sin - Traditional Lee Sin, Dragon Fist Lee Sin
Leona - Valkyrie Leona
Lissandra - /
Lucian - /
Lulu - /
Lux - Spellthief Lux
Malphite - /
Malzahar - /
Maokai - /
Master Yi - Assassin Master Yi, Chosen Master Yi
Miss Fortune -
Morderkaiser -
Morgana - Blade Mistress Morgana, Victorious Morgana
Nami -
Nasus - Galactic Nasus, Riot K-9 Nasus
Nautilus -
Nidalee - Snow Bunny Nidalee, Leopard Nidalee, French Maid Nidalee, Bewitching Nidalee
Nocturne - Void Nocturne, Haunting Nocturne, Eternum Nocturne
Nunu - Sasquatch Nunu
Olaf - Glacial Olaf, Pentakill Olaf
Orianna - Sewn Chaos Orianna
Pantheon - Dragonslayer Pantheon
Poppy - Noxus Poppy
Quinn - /
Rammus - Ninja Rammus, Full Metal Rammus
Rek' Sai - /
Renekton - Outback Renekton
Rengar - Night Hunter Rengar
Riven - Redeemend Riven, Championship Riven
Rumble - /
Ryze - Tribal Ryze, Professor Ryze, Zombie Ryze
Sejuani - /
Shaco - Royal Shaco, Nutcracko, Workshop Shaco
Shen - Frozen Shen, Yellow Jacket Shen, Surgeon Shen
Shyvana - Ironscale Shyvana, Championship Shyvana
Singed - Augmented Singed
Sion - Lumberjack Sion
Sivir - Bandit Sivir, Victorious Sivir
Skaner - /
Sona - /
Soraka - Dryad Soraka
Swain - /
Syndra - Justicar Syndra
Tahm Kench - /
Talon - /
Taric - Emerald Taric, Bloodstone Taric
Teemo - Happy Elf Teemo, Badger Teemo, Astronaut Teemo
Thresh - /
Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana, Firefigher Tristana, Buccaneer Tristana
Trundle - Traditional Trundle
Tryndamere - Highland Tryndamere, Demonblade Tryndamere, Sultan Tryndamere
Twisted Fate - The Magnificent Twisted Fate, Underworld Twisted Fate
Twitch - Medieval Twitch
Udyr - Spirit Guard Udyr
Urgot - /
Varus - Blight Crystal Varus
Vayne - Aristocrat Vayne
Veigar - White Mage Veigar, Curling Veigar
Vel'Koz - /
Vi - /
Viktor - Full Machine Viktor
Vladimir - Blood Lord Vladimir
Volibear - /
Warwick - Grey Warwick, Tundra Hunter Warwick, Feral Warwick
Wukong - /
Xerath - /
Xin Zhao - Commando Xin Zhao
Yasuo - High Noon Yasuo
Yorick - Pentakill Yorick
Zac - /
Zed - Shockblade Zed
Ziggs - /
Zilean - /
Zyra - Haunted Zyra


9x +0,91 Armor
9x +1,3 Armor Pen.
9x +0,95 Physical Dmg
9x +1,7% Attack Speed
9x +0,93% Crit Chance
9x +2,2% Crit Dmg
9x +0,90 Armor Pen/+0,61 Magic Pen.
9x +0,77 Magic Resist
9x +0,26 Mana Regen/5
9x +2,4 Physical Dmg at level 18
9x +1,3 Magic Resist at level 18

9x +0,59 Ability Power
9x +1,0 Armor
4x +0,42% Crit Chance
9x +0,78% Crit Dmg
9x +8,0 Health
9x +0,74 Magic Resist
9x +0,41 Mana Regen/5
9x +24 Health at level 18
9x 1,2 Mana Regen/ 5 at level 18

9x +1,2 Ability Power
9x +0,70 Armor
9x +0,64% Attack Speed
6x -0,83% Cooldown
9x +1,3 Magic Resist
9x +3,1 Ability Power at level 18
9x -1,67% Cooldown at level 18
9x +3,0 Magic Resist at level 18
9x +26 Mana at level 18

3x +5,0 Ability Power
3x +4,3 Armor
3x +2,6 Amor Pen.
3x +2,3 Physical Dmg
3x +4,5% Attack Speed
3x +4,5 Crit Dmg
3x +1,6 Energy Regen /5
3x +1.0 Gold per 10
3x +26 Health
3x +2,7 Health Regen/ 5
3x +1,8 Armor Pen. / +1,4 Magic Pen.
3x +1,5% Lifesteal Bonus
3x 1,5% Move Speed
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