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EUNE gold account, 54skins(lot of legacy, legendary) 1500+win

Discussion on EUNE gold account, 54skins(lot of legacy, legendary) 1500+win within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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EUNE gold account, 54skins(lot of legacy, legendary) 1500+win

Division: was GOLD 3 last season, now silver 1 but not played since February.
3 rune pages, lot of champions and skins.
Has some RP, and 10k IP now.

If you're interested we can meet and change the passwords, and e-mail address.
(only the skins worth far $150+)
Asking for $110, or best offer
PM if interested!


Woad Ashe
Samurai Master Yi
Infernal Alistar
Uncle Ryze
Rocket Girl Tristana
High Noon Twisted Fate
Hyena Warwick
Groovy Zilean
Statue of Karthus
Bird of Prey Anivia
Leprechaun Veigar
Spooky Gangplank
Armor of the F.A. Taric
Marble Malphite
Rageborn Mundo
Blast Zone Heimerdinger
Mad Hatter Shaco
Deadly Kennen
Dreadknight Garen
Blood Moon Akali
Monarch Kog'Maw
Commando Xin Zhao
Count Vladimir
Prestigious LeBlank
Artic Warfare Caitlyn
Commando Jarvan IV
Muay Thai Lee Sin
Aristocrat Vayne
Iron Solari Leona
Jade Dragon Wukong
Hired Gun Graves
Tundra Fizz
Thunder Lord Volibear
Shockblade Zed
Deep Terror Thresh
Justicar Aatrox
Hired Gun Lucian
Arcade Hecarim***
Arcade Sona***
Mecha Kha'Zix***
Astronaut Teemo***
***1350 RP

Definitely not Blitzcrank (the best skin ever)
Nightmere Cho'Gath
Nottingham Ezreal
Hextech Galio
The Mighty Jax
Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
Susquatch Nunu
Hextech Sion
Highland Tryndamere
Butcher Urgot

Suprise Party Fiddlesticks
Infernal Nasus
SparkyHUN is offline  

definitely not blitzcrank, eune, infernal, legacy, legandary

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