Hello, I am a freelance NA Diamond/Master booster who is interested to help out those who can't seem to climb ranks. I understand what it feels like to go on loss streaks and what it's like to be stuck in a rank so I am happy to help you out no matter what rank you are.
I started playing by the end of Season 1, ranking all the way at Bronze Elo. I put in hours upon hours and I have made it all the way to Diamond II by the end of Season 3. By now I am sitting from Diamond I to Masters having peaked at Masters 211 lp. I have a wide range of capabilities and I can carry with most champs on most roles.
Server: NA *ONLY*
Max Boost: D5
Skype: cheapeasyboost
Payment Method: USD Paypal Only, Must pay 85% of your order upfront.
Bronze V > Bronze IV -- $8
Bronze IV > Bronze III -- $8
Bronze III > Bronze II -- $8
Bronze II > Bronze I -- $8
Bronze I > Silver V -- $10
Silver V > Silver IV -- $12
Silver IV > Silver III -- $12
Silver III > Silver II -- $12
Silver II > Silver I -- $12
Silver I > Gold V -- $15
Gold V > Gold IV -- $20
Gold IV > Gold III -- $20
Gold III > Gold II -- $20
Gold II > Gold I -- $20
Gold I > Platinum V -- $25
Platinum V > Platinum IV -- $28
Platinum IV > Platinum III -- $28
Platinum III > Platinum II -- $28
Platinum II > Platinum I -- $28
Platinum I > Diamond V -- $35
Please be sure to message me your current lp gains/op gg mmr. The price may change depending on how low it is.
Placement games are $2.4 per game. Just remember that there is no 100% chance that I will win all of the placement games. Just remember that there is still a very high chance that I do not lose the games though. If I do end up losing more than 3 games during your placements then you won't have to pay the 15% when the boost is complete. Keep in mind that this is VERY unlikely to occur.
Other Information:
I will ask you on skype before I spend any of your ip and change any of your runes/masteries.
I will inform you on skype when I am logging into and logging out of your account so you know when to not log into your account. Also, please do not play any ranked matches during the boost or I will cancel the order with no refunds. I will not chat with anybody on your friends list.
I use a vpn while I am boosting you to make sure that your account is safe.
I need vouches! If you can help please message me.
Edit: Very skilled player, carried his team hard in both gold games. Definitely capable of boosting all desired divisions. :-)
Friendly great booster, carried hard in several games +1